
Table 1. IPsec product support



Release introduced

Release deprecated

For configuration details, see VOSS User Guide.


5520 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4450 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4900 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 7200 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 7400 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8200 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8400 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

XA1400 Series

VOSS 8.1.50

Not Applicable

IPsec transport mode

5520 Series

VOSS 8.2.5

Not Applicable

VSP 4450 Series

VOSS 4.2

Not Applicable

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.1

Not Applicable

VSP 7200 Series

VOSS 4.2.1

Not Applicable

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.0

Not Applicable

VSP 8200 Series

VOSS 4.2

Not Applicable

VSP 8400 Series

VOSS 4.2

Not Applicable

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

XA1400 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

IPsec tunnel mode

5520 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4450 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4900 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 7200 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 7400 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8200 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8400 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

XA1400 Series

VOSS 8.0.50

Not Applicable

IPsec for the Out-of-band management port (IPv4)

5520 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4450 Series

VOSS 4.2

VOSS 8.2

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.1

VOSS 8.2

VSP 7200 Series

VOSS 4.2.1

VOSS 8.2

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.0

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8200 Series

VOSS 4.2

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8400 Series

VOSS 4.2

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8600 Series

VSP 8600 6.2

Not Applicable

XA1400 Series

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

IPsec for the Out-of-band management port (IPv6)

5520 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4450 Series

VOSS 6.0

VOSS 8.2

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.1

VOSS 8.2

VSP 7200 Series

VOSS 6.0

VOSS 8.2

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.0

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8200 Series

VOSS 6.0

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8400 Series

VOSS 6.0

VOSS 8.2

VSP 8600 Series

VSP 8600 6.2

Not Applicable

XA1400 Series

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Digital Certificates for IPsec Authentication

5520 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4450 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.3 for Fabric Extend over IPsec

Not Applicable

VSP 7200 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.3 for Fabric Extend over IPsec

Not Applicable

VSP 8200 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8400 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

Not Applicable

XA1400 Series

VOSS 8.3 for Fabric Extend over IPsec

Not Applicable