Displaying KHI Performance Information

Use the following commands to display KHI information about the performance of the switch.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display buffer performance and utilization statistics:

    show khi performance buffer-pool [{slot[-slot][,...]}]

  3. Show current utilization, 5-minute average utilization, and 5-minute high water mark with date and time of event:

    show khi performance cpu [{slot[-slot][,...]}]

  4. Display memory performance and utilization statistics on the specified slot or all slots:

    show khi performance memory [history | {slot[-slot][,...]}]



    Depending on the hardware platform, you can display virtual memory history.

  5. Display process performance and utilization statistics on the specified slot or all slots:

    show khi performance process [{slot[-slot][,...]}]

  6. Display thread performance and utilization statistics on the specified slot or all slots:

    show khi performance pthread [{slot[-slot][,...]}]

  7. Display internal memory management resource performance and utilization statistics on the specified slot or all slots:

    show khi performance slabinfo [{slot[-slot][,...]}]


Switch:1>show khi performance buffer-pool 1
         UsedFBuffs: 12
         FreeFBuffs: 3060
         RxQ0FBuffs: 0
         RxQ1FBuffs: 0
         RxQ2FBuffs: 0
         RxQ3FBuffs: 0
         RxQ4FBuffs: 0
         RxQ5FBuffs: 0
         RxQ6FBuffs: 0
         RxQ7FBuffs: 0
         TxQueueFBuffs: 0
         NoFbuff: 0

      Network stack system:
         UsedMbuf: 244
         FreeMbuf: 47606
         SocketMbuf: 19

      Network stack data:
         UsedMbuf: 4
         FreeMbuf: 10748

      Letter API message queue:
         QHigh: 0
         QNormal: 0
         FreeQEntries: 51200
Switch:1>show khi performance cpu 1
         Current utilization: 9
         1-minute average utilization: 9
         1-minute high water mark: 14 (06/20/16 06:03:08) 
         5-minute average utilization: 8
         5-minute high water mark: 10 (06/19/16 08:35:58)

Depending on the switch hardware, any one of the following output can appear for show khi performance memory [{slot[-slot][,...]}].

Switch:1>show khi performance memory 1
         Used: 514560 (KB)
         Free: 521260 (KB)
         Current utilization: 49 %
         5-minute average utilization: 49 %
         5-minute high water mark: 22 (10/08/14 14:48:01)

Switch:1>show khi performance memory 1
         Used: 1684000 (KB)
         Free: 2321704 (KB)
         Current utilization: 42 %
         5-minute average utilization: 41 %
         5-minute high water mark: 41 (%)
         10-minute average utilization: 41 %
         10-minute high water mark: 41 (%)
         1-Hour average utilization: 41 %
         1-Hour high water mark: 41 (%)
         1-Day average utilization: 41 %
         1-Day high water mark: 41 (%)
         1-Month average utilization: 39 %
         1-Year average utilization: 0 %

Depending on the hardware platform, you can display virtual memory history using show khi performance memory history.

Switch:1>show khi performance memory history
Values indicate VMSize in KB

Pid    Pname                 5-Min    10-Min   1-Hour   1-Day    1-Month  1-Year                     

 4731  logger                1        1        1        1        1        --                         
 4747  namServer             20       20       20       20       20       --                         
 4748  sockserv              4        4        4        4        4        --                         
 4749  oom95                 213      213      213      213      213      --                         
 4750  oom90                 213      213      213      213      213      --                         
 4751  imgsync.x             19       19       19       19       19       --                         
 4818  logServer             23       23       23       23       23       --                         
 4819  trcServer             18       18       18       18       18       --                         
 4820  hwsServer             86       86       85       73       45       --                         
 4821  cbcp-main.x           789      789      787      786      782      --                         
 4822  rssServer             18       18       18       18       18       --                         
 4823  dbgServer             21       21       21       21       20       --                         
 4824  dbgShell              18       18       18       18       18       --                         
 4825  khiCollection         21       21       21       21       21       --                         
 4826  coreManager.x         19       19       19       19       19       --                         
 4827  filer                 18       18       18       18       18       --                         
 4828  ssio                  672      672      672      672      671      --                         
 4829  hckServer             18       18       18       18       18       --                         
 5045  slamon.sh             3        3        3        3        3        --                         
 4830  fabServer             20       20       20       20       20       --                         
Switch:1>show khi performance process 1 
PID  PPID  PName           VmSize  VmLck   VmRss   VmData  VmStk   VmExe  VmLib 
1    0     init            1936    0       656     164     88      32     1556
2    0     kthreadd        0       0       0       0       0       0      0
3    2     migration/0     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
4    2     ksoftirqd/0     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
5    2     watchdog/0      0       0       0       0       0       0      0
6    2     migration/1     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
7    2     ksoftirqd/1     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
8    2     watchdog/1      0       0       0       0       0       0      0
9    2     events/0        0       0       0       0       0       0      0
10   2     events/1        0       0       0       0       0       0      0
11   2     khelper         0       0       0       0       0       0      0
12   2     netns           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
13   2     async/mgr       0       0       0       0       0       0      0
14   2     sync_supers     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
15   2     bdi-default     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
16   2     kblockd/0       0       0       0       0       0       0      0
17   2     kblockd/1       0       0       0       0       0       0      0
18   2     khubd           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
19   2     kmmcd           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
22   2     rpciod/0        0       0       0       0       0       0      0
23   2     rpciod/1        0       0       0       0       0       0      0
24   2     khungtaskd      0       0       0       0       0       0      0
25   2     kswapd0         0       0       0       0       0       0      0
26   2     aio/0           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
27   2     aio/1           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
28   2     nfsiod          0       0       0       0       0       0      0
29   2     mtdblockd       0       0       0       0       0       0      0
38   2     mmcqd           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
55   1     udevd           2356    0       832     264     88      96     1672
1351 2     wdd             0       0       0       0       0       0      0
1749 1     portmap         1920    0       416     164     88      16     1556
1762 1     rc              3156    0       1368    128     88      736    1808
1773 1     sshd            4948    0       904     372     88      392    3376
1779 1     syslogd         2476    0       664     172     88      564    1556
1781 1     klogd           2476    0       620     172     88      564    1556
1782 1762  S25vsp          3292    0       1532    264     88      736    1808
4366 1782  rc.appfs.vsp8k  3180    0       1424    152     88      736    1808
4660 2     i2c_wq          0       0       0       0       0       0      0
4672 2     fan_q           0       0       0       0       0       0      0
4700 2     workqueue_0     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
4702 2     workqueue_1     0       0       0       0       0       0      0
4749 4366  start           3176    0       1392    148     88      736    1808
4780 4749  lifecycle       15664   0       4856    5016    88      284    6936
4785 4780  logger          2480    0       580     176     88      564    1556
4794 4780  sockserv        4404    0       1024    72      88      8      3708
4795 4780  oom95           114768  0       107244  106084  88      84     6432
4796 4780  oom90           115032  0       107240  106348  88      84     6432
4797 4780  imgsync.x       12656   0       4332    2952    88      120    6768
4798 4794  logger          2480    0       580     176     88      564    1556
4799 4795  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4800 4797  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4801 4796  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4839 4780  logServer       16228   0       5284    4340    88      1384   7604
4840 4780  trcServer       11264   0       3580    2544    88      124    6432
4841 4780  oobServer       10300   0       3524    1520    88      104    6444
4842 4780  cbcp-main.x     556732  0       447832  505748  88      25184  14080
4843 4780  rssServer       11236   0       3424    2544    88      96     6432
4844 4780  dbgServer       11240   0       3516    2544    88      100    6432
4845 4780  dbgShell        11084   0       3604    2412    88      84     6432
4846 4780  coreManager.x   11056   0       3576    1896    88      124    6612
4847 4780  ssio            256364  0       147604  216088  88      23328  7236
4848 4780  hckServer       11252   0       3560    2544    88      112    6432
4849 4780  remCmdAgent.x   11684   0       3960    2672    88      88     6564
4850 4839  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4851 4841  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4852 4840  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4853 4842  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4854 4844  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4855 4843  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4856 4845  logger          2480    0       700     176     88      564    1556
4857 4847  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4858 4846  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4859 4848  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4860 4849  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4907 4847  logger          2480    0       696     176     88      564    1556
4946 4780  slamon.sh       3152    0       1336    124     88      736    1808
4949 4946  logger          2480    0       580     176     88      564    1556
4973 4946  slamon_second.s 3136    0       1272    108     88      736    1808
4982 4973  ns_exec         4324    0       1020    68      88      8      3696
4989 4982  slac            4944    0       1172    460     88      8      3728
Switch:1>show khi performance pthread 1
TID   PID   PName           CPU(%) 5MinAvg CPU(%) 5MinHiWater CPU(%(time stamp))
1     1     init            0.0    0.0
2     2     kthreadd        0.0    0.0
3     3     migration/0     0.0    0.0
4     4     ksoftirqd/0     0.0    0.0
5     5     watchdog/0      0.0    0.0
6     6     migration/1     0.0    0.0
7     7     ksoftirqd/1     0.0    0.0
8     8     watchdog/1      0.0    0.0
9     9     events/0        0.0    0.0
10    10    events/1        0.1    0.0        0.1(10/08/14 14:27:31)
11    11    khelper         0.0    0.0
12    12    netns           0.0    0.0
13    13    async/mgr       0.0    0.0
14    14    sync_supers     0.0    0.0
15    15    bdi-default     0.0    0.0
16    16    kblockd/0       0.0    0.0
17    17    kblockd/1       0.0    0.0
18    18    khubd           0.0    0.0
19    19    kmmcd           0.0    0.0
22    22    rpciod/0        0.0    0.0
23    23    rpciod/1        0.0    0.0
24    24    khungtaskd      0.0    0.0
25    25    kswapd0         0.0    0.0
26    26    aio/0           0.0    0.0
27    27    aio/1           0.0    0.0
28    28    nfsiod          0.0    0.0
29    29    mtdblockd       0.0    0.0
38    38    mmcqd           0.0    0.0        0.2(10/08/14 14:27:31)
55    55    udevd           0.0    0.0
1351  1351  wdd             0.0    0.0
1749  1749  portmap         0.0    0.0
1762  1762  rc              0.0    0.0
1773  1773  sshd            0.0    0.0
1779  1779  syslogd         0.0    0.0
1781  1781  klogd           0.0    0.0
1782  1782  S25vsp          0.0    0.0
4366  4366  rc.appfs.vsp8k  0.0    0.0
4660  4660  i2c_wq          0.0    0.0
4672  4672  fan_q           0.0    0.0
4700  4700  workqueue_0     0.0    0.0
4702  4702  workqueue_1     0.0    0.0
4749  4749  start           0.0    0.0
4780  4780  lifecycle       0.0    0.0
4781  4780  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4782  4780  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4783  4780  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4784  4780  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4786  4780  dpmXportRxMonit 0.0    0.0
4787  4780  dpmXportTxMonit 0.0    0.0
4788  4780  ltrBulkTimerThr 0.0    0.0
4789  4780  lc_wd_exception 0.0    0.0
4790  4780  lc_hwwd_feed    0.0    0.0
4791  4780  lc_swwd_feed    0.0    0.0
4792  4780  worker_thread   0.0    0.0
4793  4780  lc_master       0.0    0.0
4785  4785  logger          0.0    0.0
4794  4794  sockserv        0.0    0.0
4795  4795  oom95           0.0    0.0
4802  4795  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4803  4795  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4804  4795  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4808  4795  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4796  4796  oom90           0.0    0.0
4805  4796  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4806  4796  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4807  4796  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4809  4796  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4797  4797  imgsync.x       0.0    0.0
4810  4797  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4811  4797  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4812  4797  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4813  4797  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4814  4797  dpmXportRxMonit 0.0    0.0
4815  4797  dpmXportTxMonit 0.0    0.0
4816  4797  ltrBulkTimerThr 0.0    0.0
4798  4798  logger          0.0    0.0
4799  4799  logger          0.0    0.0
4800  4800  logger          0.0    0.0
4801  4801  logger          0.0    0.0
4839  4839  logServer       0.0    0.0
4873  4839  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4874  4839  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4875  4839  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4876  4839  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0        0.1(10/08/14 14:45:12)
4840  4840  trcServer       0.0    0.0
4865  4840  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4866  4840  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4867  4840  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4868  4840  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4841  4841  oobServer       0.0    0.0
4861  4841  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4862  4841  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4863  4841  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4864  4841  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4842  4842  cbcp-main.x     0.0    0.0
4908  4842  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4909  4842  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4910  4842  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.1    0.0
4911  4842  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4912  4842  tUsrRoot        0.0    0.0
4913  4842  tExcTask        0.5    0.4        0.4(10/08/14 14:47:51)
4914  4842  tExcJobTask     0.0    0.0
4915  4842  tNetTask        0.1    0.0
4916  4842  traceOutput     0.0    0.0
4917  4842  nd_profile_cmd  0.0    0.0        0.3(10/08/14 14:44:51)
4918  4842  tRlogind        0.1    0.0
4919  4842  tRshd           0.0    0.0
4920  4842  tTftpdTask      0.0    0.0
4921  4842  tFtpdTask       0.1    0.0
4922  4842  dpmXportRxMonit 0.0    0.0
4923  4842  dpmXportTxMonit 0.0    0.0
4924  4842  tndMiscServTask 0.0    0.0
4925  4842  tLoggerTask     0.0    0.0
4926  4842  _ZN10CLimServer 0.1    0.0
4927  4842  BootpServer     0.0    0.0
4928  4842  tSioMsgRx       0.0    0.0
4929  4842  chEvmTask       0.0    0.0
4930  4842  chFsmTask       0.0    0.0
4931  4842  chServiceTask   0.0    0.0
4933  4842  tSnmpTmr        0.0    0.0
4934  4842  tSnmpd          0.0    0.0
4935  4842  tTacacspTask    0.0    0.0
4936  4842  tTacacsqTask    0.0    0.0
4937  4842  tMainTask       4.5    4.2        15.7(10/08/14 14:48:41)
4938  4842  rtMainTask      0.0    0.0
4939  4842  tCppSend        0.0    0.0
4940  4842  tCppInterruptTa 0.4    0.1        0.9(10/08/14 14:28:21)
4941  4842  cfmMain         0.5    0.3        0.3(10/08/14 14:27:31)
4942  4842  tTalkClient     0.0    0.0
4943  4842  tSlaClient      0.0    0.0
4944  4842  cfmClock        0.0    0.0
4947  4842  tTrapd          0.0    0.0
4948  4842  tOspf6SpfTimer  0.0    0.0
4955  4842  tTrapd          0.0    0.0
4961  4842  tTdpTimer       0.0    0.0
4962  4842  chHealthMonitor 0.0    0.0
4963  4842  tSpfTimer       0.0    0.0
4965  4842  tIsisTask       0.1    0.0
4968  4842  tBgpTask        0.0    0.0
4984  4842  tWebSrv         0.0    0.0
4995  4842  Http0           0.0    0.0
4996  4842  Http1           0.0    0.0
4997  4842  Http2           0.0    0.0
4998  4842  Http3           0.0    0.0
4999  4842  Http4           0.0    0.0
5000  4842  Http5           0.0    0.0
5001  4842  Http6           0.0    0.0
5002  4842  Http7           0.0    0.0
5003  4842  Http8           0.0    0.0
5004  4842  Http9           0.0    0.0
5005  4842  Http10          0.0    0.0
5006  4842  Http11          0.0    0.0
5007  4842  Http12          0.0    0.0
5008  4842  Http13          0.0    0.0
5009  4842  Http14          0.0    0.0
5010  4842  Http15          0.0    0.0
5011  4842  Http16          0.0    0.0
5012  4842  Http17          0.0    0.0
5013  4842  Http18          0.0    0.0
5014  4842  Http19          0.0    0.0
5015  4842  cppTapMain      0.0    0.0
5072  4842  tShell-cli      0.0    0.0        0.5(10/08/14 14:27:31)
5074  4842  tTelnetd        0.0    0.0
5075  4842  smltSlave       0.3    0.0        0.1(10/08/14 14:30:51)
5084  4842  tTeOut_19637cc0 0.0    0.0
5085  4842  tTeIn_19637cc0  0.0    0.0
5086  4842  tShell-cli      0.0    0.0
4843  4843  rssServer       0.0    0.0
4869  4843  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4870  4843  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4871  4843  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4872  4843  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4844  4844  dbgServer       0.0    0.0
4877  4844  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4878  4844  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4879  4844  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4880  4844  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4845  4845  dbgShell        0.0    0.0
4881  4845  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4882  4845  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4883  4845  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4885  4845  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4846  4846  coreManager.x   0.0    0.0
4901  4846  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4902  4846  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4903  4846  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4904  4846  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4847  4847  ssio            0.0    0.0
4896  4847  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4897  4847  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4898  4847  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4899  4847  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4900  4847  tUsrRoot        0.0    0.0
4905  4847  tExcTask        0.2    0.1        0.1(10/08/14 14:27:31)
4906  4847  tty             0.0    0.0
5016  4847  dpmXportRxMonit 0.0    0.0
5017  4847  dpmXportTxMonit 0.0    0.0
5018  4847  ltrBulkTimerThr 0.1    0.0
5019  4847  nd_profile_cmd  0.0    0.0
5020  4847  tMainTask       0.5    0.3        13.5(10/08/14 14:48:21)
5022  4847  bcmDPC          0.0    0.0
5023  4847  bcmINTR         2.9    2.6        3.5(10/08/14 14:28:21)
5024  4847  socdmadesc.0    0.5    0.5        0.5(10/08/14 14:27:31)
5056  4847  bcmTX           0.0    0.0        0.1(10/08/14 14:45:51)
5057  4847  bcmXGS3AsyncTX  0.0    0.0
5058  4847  bcmL2MOD.0      0.0    0.0        0.1(10/08/14 14:45:31)
5059  4847  bcmCNTR.0       4.7    4.5        4.7(10/08/14 14:44:40)
5060  4847  bcmL2age.0      0.0    0.0
5061  4847  bcmRX           0.4    0.2        1.2(10/08/14 14:27:31)
5062  4847  listener        0.1    0.1        0.7(10/08/14 14:47:41)
5063  4847  bcmLINK.0       2.3    2.3        2.4(10/08/14 14:28:21)
5064  4847  tUsrRoot        0.0    0.0
5065  4847  tRspDebugPollTa 0.0    0.0
5066  4847  tLcdIntrTask    0.0    0.0
5067  4847  tTimerTask      0.0    0.0
5068  4847  tScanSfp        0.1    0.0
5071  4847  tExcJobTask     0.0    0.0
4848  4848  hckServer       0.0    0.0
4884  4848  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4886  4848  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4887  4848  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4888  4848  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4849  4849  remCmdAgent.x   0.0    0.0
4889  4849  _Z15nd_ipc_disp 0.0    0.0
4890  4849  _Z18nd_ipc_send 0.0    0.0
4891  4849  _Z21nd_ipc_rece 0.0    0.0
4892  4849  _ZN10nd_tmr_grp 0.0    0.0
4893  4849  dpmXportRxMonit 0.0    0.0
4894  4849  dpmXportTxMonit 0.0    0.0
4895  4849  ltrBulkTimerThr 0.0    0.0
4850  4850  logger          0.0    0.0
4851  4851  logger          0.0    0.0
4852  4852  logger          0.0    0.0
4853  4853  logger          0.0    0.0
4854  4854  logger          0.0    0.0
4855  4855  logger          0.0    0.0
4856  4856  logger          0.0    0.0
4857  4857  logger          0.0    0.0        0.1(10/08/14 14:44:40)
4858  4858  logger          0.0    0.0
4859  4859  logger          0.0    0.0
4860  4860  logger          0.0    0.0
4907  4907  logger          0.0    0.0
4946  4946  slamon.sh       0.0    0.0
4949  4949  logger          0.0    0.0
4973  4973  slamon_second.s 0.0    0.0
4982  4982  ns_exec         0.0    0.0
4989  4989  slac            0.0    0.0
4990  4989  slac            0.0    0.0
Switch:1>show khi performance slabinfo 
Name                   Active  Num     Objsize Objper  Pageper Active  Num
                       Objs    Objs            slab    slab    Slabs   Slabs
merc_sock              0       0       384     21      2       0       0
cfq_queue              72      72      112     36      1       2       2
bsg_cmd                0       0       288     14      1       0       0
mqueue_inode_cache     15      15      544     15      2       1       1
nfs_direct_cache       0       0       80      51      1       0       0
nfs_inode_cache        0       0       600     13      2       0       0
fat_inode_cache        0       0       416     19      2       0       0
fat_cache              0       0       24      170     1       0       0
ext2_inode_cache       136     41      480     17      2       8       8
configfs_dir_cache     0       0       56      73      1       0       0
posix_timers_cache     0       0       104     39      1       0       0
rpc_inode_cache        17      17      480     17      2       1       1
UNIX                   57      57      416     19      2       3       3
UDP-Lite               0       0       512     16      2       0       0
UDP                    32      32      512     16      2       2       2
tw_sock_TCP            32      32      128     32      1       1       1
TCP                    28      28      1120    14      4       2       2
eventpoll_pwq          204     204     40      102     1       2       2
sgpool-128             12      12      2560    12      8       1       1
sgpool-64              12      12      1280    12      4       1       1
sgpool-32              12      12      640     12      2       1       1
scsi_data_buffer       170     170     24      170     1       1       1
blkdev_queue           48      48      1288    12      4       4       4
blkdev_requests        60      44      200     20      1       3       3
biovec-256             10      10      3072    10      8       1       1
biovec-128             0       0       1536    21      8       0       0
biovec-64              0       0       768     21      4       0       0
sock_inode_cache       304     304     416     19      2       16      16
skbuff_fclone_cache    460     290     352     23      2       20      20
file_lock_cache        72      72      112     36      1       2       2
net_namespace          24      24      320     12      1       2       2
shmem_inode_cache      1170    1144    448     18      2       65      65
proc_inode_cache       777     768     376     21      2       37      37
sigqueue               56      56      144     28      1       2       2
radix_tree_node        1222    1070    296     13      1       94      94
bdev_cache             34      34      480     17      2       2       2
sysfs_dir_cache        7055    7010    48      85      1       83      83
filp                   1700    1520    160     25      1       68      68
inode_cache            3243    3038    352     23      2       141     141
dentry                 6210    5398    136     30      1       207     207
buffer_head            280     277     72      56      1       5       5
vm_area_struct         3358    3250    88      46      1       73      73
mm_struct              126     115     448     18      2       7       7
files_cache            72      71      224     18      1       4       4
signal_cache           119     116     480     17      2       7       7
sighand_cache          108     103     1312    12      4       9       9
task_struct            260     250     1248    13      4       20      20
anon_vma               1280    1278    16      256     1       5       5
idr_layer_cache        208     208     152     26      1       8       8
kmalloc-8192           8       8       8192    4       8       2       2
kmalloc-4096           104     99      4096    8       8       13      13
kmalloc-2048           128     115     2048    16      8       8       8
kmalloc-1024           256     256     1024    16      4       16      16
kmalloc-512            288     240     512     16      2       18      18
kmalloc-256            352     351     256     16      1       22      22
kmalloc-128            896     895     128     32      1       28      28
kmalloc-64             5120    5120    64      64      1       80      80
kmalloc-32             896     883     32      128     1       7       7
kmalloc-16             1536    1535    16      256     1       6       6
kmalloc-8              2560    2558    8       512     1       5       5
kmalloc-192            273     273     192     21      1       13      13
kmalloc-96             966     900     96      42      1       23      23

Variable Definitions

Use the data in the following table to use the show khi performance command.




Specifies the slot number. Valid slot is 1.



Depending on the hardware platform, this parameter appears in show khi performance memory.

Specifies virtual memory consumed for each process.