WLAN-QOS-Policy commands

WLAN QoS configurations differ significantly from QoS policies configured for radios. WLAN QoS configurations are designed to support the data requirements of wireless clients, including the data types they support and their network permissions. Radio QoS policies are specific to the transmit and receive characteristics of the connected radio's themselves, independent from the wireless clients these access point radios support.
The following table summarizes WLAN QoS policy configuration commands:
Table 1. WLAN-QoS-Policy-Config Commands
Command Description
accelerated-multicast Configures accelerated multicast stream addresses and forwards QoS classifications
classification Classifies WLAN traffic based on priority
multicast-mask Configures the egress prioritization multicast mask
qos Defines the QoS configuration
rate-limit Configures the WLAN traffic rate limit using a WLAN QoS policy
svp-prioritization Enables Spectralink voice protocol support on a WLAN
voice-prioritization Prioritizes voice client over other clients
wmm Configures 802.11e/wireless multimedia parameters
no (wlan-qos-policy-config-mode-command) Negates a command or sets its default


For more information on common commands (clrscr, commit, help, revert, service, show, write, and exit), see Common Commands.


The input parameter <HOSTNAME>, wherever used in syntaxes across this chapter, cannot include an underscore (_) character. In other words, the name of a device cannot contain an underscore.