use (bgp-neighbor-config)

Configures filters for this neighbor. These filters are BGP IP ACL, IP prefix list, AS path list, and route map. Based on the filters used, updates received from this neighbor are filtered.

Supported in the following platforms:


use [distribute-list <BGP-IP-ACL-NAME>|filter-list <AS-PATH-LIST-NAME>|
prefix-list <IP-PREFIX-LIST-NAME>|route-map <BGP-ROUTE-MAP-NAME>]


use [distribute-list <BGP-IP-ACL-NAME>|filter-list <AS-PATH-LIST-NAME>|
prefix-list <IP-PREFIX-LIST-NAME>|route-map <BGP-ROUTE-MAP-NAME>]
use [distribute-list <BGP-IP-ACL-NAME>|
filter-list <AS-PATH-LIST-NAME>|
prefix-list <IP-PREFIX-LIST-NAME>|
route-map <BGP-ROUTE-MAP-NAME>]
Uses predefined and configured filters with this neighbor
  • distribute-list <BGP-IP-ACL-NAME> – Uses a BGP IP ACL
    • <BGP-IP-ACL-NAME> – Specify the BGP IP ACL name.
  • filter-list <AS-PATH-LIST-NAME> – Uses an AS path list
    • <AS-PATH-LIST-NAME> – Specify the AS path list name.
  • prefix-list <IP-PREFIX-LIST-NAME> – Uses a IP prefix list
    • <IP-PREFIX-LIST-NAME> – Specify the IP prefix list name.
  • route-map <BGP-ROUTE-MAP-NAME> – Uses a route map
    • <BGP-ROUTE-MAP-NAME> – Specify the route map name.


nx9500-6C8809(config-device B4-C7-99-6C-88-09-router-bgp-neighbor- filter-list FilterList_01 in
nx9500-6C8809(config-device B4-C7-99-6C-88-09-router-bgp-neighbor- route-map testBGPRouteMap out
nx9500-6C8809(config-device B4-C7-99-6C-88-09-router-bgp-neighbor- context
  bgp neighbor
   remote-as 199
   use filter-list FilterList_01 in
   maximum-prefix 9999 80 restart 50
   use route-map testBGPRouteMap out
   unsuppress-map test
nx9500-6C8809(config-device B4-C7-99-6C-88-09-router-bgp-neighbor-

Related Commands

no (bgp-neighbor-config) Removes the filters used to filter updates received from this neighbor