Configures the antenna gain for the selected radio
Antenna gain is the ability of an antenna to convert power into radio waves and vice versa. The access point or wireless controller‘s PMACF (Power Management Antenna Configuration File) automatically configures the access point orwireless controller‘s radio transmit power based on the antenna type, its antenna gain (provided here) and the deployed country‘s regulatory domain restrictions. Once provided, the access point or wireless controller calculates the power range. Antenna gain relates the intensity of an antenna in a given direction to the intensity that would be produced ideally by an antenna that radiates equally in all directions (isotropically), and has no losses. Although the gain of an antenna is directly related to its directivity, its gain is a measure that takes into account the efficiency of the antenna as well as its directional capabilities. It is recommended that only a professional installer set the antenna gain.
antenna-gain <0.0-15.0>
antenna-gain <0.0-15.0>
antenna-gain <0.0-15.0> | Sets the antenna gain from 0.0 - 15.0 dBi. The default is 0.00 dBi. |
Click here for more information on AP505 and AP510 radio and antenna specifications.
ap505-133E1C(config-profile-testap505-if-radio2)#antenna-gain 12 ap505-133E1C(config-profile-testap505-if-radio2)#show context interface radio2 mesh client antenna-elevation 5.0 antenna-gain 12.0 aggregation ampdu tx-only aeroscout forward ip port 300 antenna-diversity ap505-133E1C(config-profile-testap505-if-radio2)#
no (radio-interface-config-command) | Resets the radio‘s antenna gain parameter |