
Configures an executive password for this EX3500 management policy

Each EX3500 management policy can have a unique executive password with its own privilege level assigned. Utilize these passwords as specific EX3500 management sessions require priority over others.

Supported in the following platforms:


enable password [0|7|level]
enable password [0|7] <PASSWORD>
enable password level <0-15> [0 <PASSWORD>|7 <PASSWORD>]


enable password [0|7] <PASSWORD>
enable password [0|7] <PASSWORD> Creates a new executive password for this EX3500 management policy. The password could be in clear text or encrypted
  • 0 – Configures a clear text password using ASCII characters (should be 1 - 32 characters long)
  • 7 – Configures an encrypted password using HEX characters (should be 32 characters long)
    • <PASSWORD> – Specify the password.
enable password level <0-15> [0 <PASSWORD>|7 <PASSWORD>]
enable password level <0-15> Creates a new executive password for this EX3500 management policy and sets its privilege level
  • <0-15> – Specify the privilege level for this executive password from 0 - 15. Lower values have higher priority, to slot and prioritize executive passwords and EX3500 management sessions.
[0|7] <PASSWORD> After setting the privilege level, configure the password, which could be in clear text or encrypted
  • 0 – Configures a clear text password using ASCII characters (should be 1 - 32 characters long)
  • 7 – Configures an encrypted password using HEX characters (should be 32 characters long)
    • <PASSWORD> – Specify the password.


nx9500-6C8809(config-ex3500-management-policy-test)#enable password level 3 7 12345678901020304050607080929291
nx9500-6C8809(config-ex3500-management-policy-test)#show context
ex3500-management-policy test
 enable password level 3 7 12345678901020304050607080929291
 snmp-server notify-filter 1 remote

Related Commands

no (ex3500-management-policy-config-mode) Removes a executive password from this EX3500 management policy