replace-device | Replaces an existing device with a new device, such that the old device‘s configuration is copied on to the new device |
[<MAC-ADDRESS>| <HOSTNAME>] | Identifies the device to replace by its MAC address or
<NEW-MAC-ADDRESS> | Specifies the new device‘s MAC address. Both the new and old devices should of the same model type. |
rfs4000-882A17(config)#replace device ap7532-4BF364 ? AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF New device MAC address rfs4000-882A17(config)#replace device ap7532-4BF364 00-15-0F-BB-98-30
The following example shows an existing AP 7502 (MAC: DD-AA-BB-88-12-43) configuration staged on a VX 9000 controller:
VX9000-NOC-DE9D(config-device-DD-AA-BB-88-12-43)#show context ap7502 DD-AA-BB-88-12-43 use profile default-ap7502 use rf-domain default hostname ap7502-881243 interface radio1 wlan theMOZART bss 1 primary interface radio2 wlan theMOZART bss 1 primary interface ge1 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 1 controller host VX9000-NOC-DE9D(config-device-DD-AA-BB-88-12-43)#
The following example shows AP 7502 (MAC: DD-AA-BB-88-12-43) replaced by another vAP 7502 having MAC address 11-22-33-44-55-66:
Note that the new AP 7502 device has the same configuration as the old AP 7502 device. The HOSTNAME remains the same. Consequently, objects that refer to this particular hostname need not be updated. For example, an hostname alias identifying this particular device, and TLOs using this alias, such as IP/MAC ACLs, remain unchanged.
VX9000-NOC-DE9D(config)#replace device DD-AA-BB-88-12-43 11-22-33-44-55-66 VX9000-NOC-DE9D(config)#ap7502 11-22-33-44-55-66 VX9000-NOC-DE9D(config-device-11-22-33-44-55-66)#show context ap7502 11-22-33-44-55-66 use profile default-ap7502 use rf-domain default hostname ap7502-881243 interface radio1 wlan theMOZART bss 1 primary interface radio2 wlan theMOZART bss 1 primary interface ge1 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 1 controller host VX9000-NOC-DE9D(config-device-11-22-33-44-55-66)#