The AP-8432 and AP-8533 model access points support Bluetooth beaconing to emit either iBeacon or Eddystone-URL beacons. The access point‘s Bluetooth radio sends non-connectable, undirected low-energy (LE) advertisement packets periodically. These advertisement packets are short and sent on Bluetooth advertising channels that conform to already-established iBeacon and Eddystone-URL standards.
show bluetooth radio {detail|on}
show bluetooth radio {detail {<DEVICE-NAME> <1-1>|filter bluetooth-radio-mac <BT-RADIO-MAC>}} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
show bluetooth radio {detail {<DEVICE-NAME> <1-1>|filter bluetooth-radio-mac <BT-RADIO-MAC>}} {(on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME>)}
bluetooth radio | Displays Bluetooth radio utilization statistics based on the parameters passed |
detail <DEVICE-NAME> <1-1> | Optional. Displays detailed Bluetooth radio utilization statistics. Optionally,
to view detailed information for a specific access point‘s Bluetooth radio, specify
the access point‘s and the radio‘s MAC addresses.
filter bluetooth-radio-mac <BT-RADIO-MAC> | Optional. Specifies additional filters to get table values. Filters data based
on the Bluetooth radio‘s MAC address.
on <DEVICE-OR-DOMAIN-NAME> | The following keywords are recursive and common to all of the above.
If no device/RF Domain is specified, the results include data for all Bluetooth radios within the controller‘s RF Domain. If the controller is in the “on rf-domain all” mode, the results include data for all Bluetooth radios for all APs in each domain known to the controller. |
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show bluetooth radio on ap8533-06F808 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUETOOTH RADIO RADIO MAC MODES STATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ap8533-06F808:B1 74-67-F7-08-A3-B0 BLE-Beacon On ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of Bluetooth radios displayed: 0 nx9500-6C8809(config)#
nx9500-6C8809(config)#show bluetooth radio detail 74-67-F7-06-F8-08 1 Radio: 74-67-F7-06-F8-08:B1, alias ap8533-06F808:B1 STATE : Off [shutdown in cfg] PHY INFO : MAC: 74-67-F7-08-A3-B0 ACCESS POINT : Name: ap8533-06F808 Location: default Placement: Indoor ENABLED MODES : BLE-Beacon BEACON TYPES : Eddystone-URL BEACON PERIOD : 1000ms Last error : nx9500-6C8809(config)#