

Configures radio beacon parameters

A beacon is a packet broadcasted by adopted radios to keep the network synchronized. Included in a beacon is information, such as the WLAN service area, the radio address, the broadcast destination addresses, a time stamp, and indicators about traffic and delivery such as a DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message). Increase the DTIM/beacon settings (lengthening the time) to let nodes sleep longer and preserve battery life. Decrease these settings (shortening the time) to support streaming-multicast audio and video applications that are jitter sensitive.

Supported in the following platforms:


beacon [dtim-period|period]
beacon dtim-period [<1-50>|bss <1-16> <1-50>]
beacon period [50|100|200]


beacon dtim-period [<1-50>|bss <1-8> <1-50>]
beacon Configures radio beacon parameters
dtim-period Configures the radio DTIM interval. A DTIM is a message that informs wireless clients about the presence of buffered multicast or broadcast data. These are simple data frames that require no acknowledgement, so nodes sometimes miss them. Increase the DTIM/ beacon settings (lengthening the time) to let nodes sleep longer and preserve their battery life. Decrease these settings (shortening the time) to support streaming multicast audio and video applications that are jitter-sensitive.
<1-50> Configures a single value to use on the radio. Specify a value between 1 and 50.
bss <1-16> <1-50> Configures a separate DTIM for a BSS on this radio interface
  • <1-16> – Sets the BSS number from 1 - 16
    • <1-50> – Sets the BSS DTIM from 1 - 50. The default is 2.
beacon period [50|100|200]
period [50|100|200] Configures the beacon period (the interval between consecutive radio beacons)
  • 50 – Configures 50 K-uSec interval between beacons
  • 100 – Configures 100 K-uSec interval between beacons (default)
  • 200 – Configures 200 K-uSec interval between beacons


ap505-133E1C(config-profile-testap505-if-radio2)#beacon dtim-period bss 2 20
ap505-133E1C(config-profile-testap505-if-radio2)#beacon period 50

ap505-133E1C(config-profile-testap505-if-radio2)#show context
 interface radio2
  mesh client
  beacon period 50
  beacon dtim-period bss 1 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 2 20
  beacon dtim-period bss 3 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 4 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 5 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 6 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 7 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 8 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 9 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 10 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 11 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 12 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 13 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 14 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 15 2
  beacon dtim-period bss 16 2
  antenna-elevation 5.0
  antenna-gain 12.0
  aggregation ampdu tx-only
  association-list global test
  aeroscout forward ip port 300
  antenna-mode 2x2
  assoc-response rssi-threshold -128

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Removes the configured beacon parameters