
Profile Config Commands

Associates a RADIUS server provided application policy with this profile. This command is also applicable to the device configuration mode. When associated, the application policy allows wireless clients (MUs) to always find the RADIUS-supplied application policy in the dataplane.

An application policy defines the actions executed on recognized HTTP (Facebook), enterprise (Webex) and peer-to-peer (gaming) applications or application-categories. The following are the actions that can be applied in an application policy:

For more information on configuring an application policy, see application-policy.

Supported in the following platforms:


application-policy radius <APP-POLICY-NAME>


application-policy radius <APP-POLICY-NAME>
application-policy radius <APP-POLICY-NAME> Associates a RADIUS server provided application policy with this profile
  • <APP-POLICY-NAME> – Specify the application policy name (should be existing and configured).


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testNX9500)#application-policy radius Bing

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-testNX9500)#show context include-factory | include application-policy
 application-policy radius Bing

nx9500-6C8809(config-application-Bing)#Show context
application Bing
 app-category streaming
 use url-list Bing

Related Commands

no Removes the RADIUS-server provided application policy associated with this profile