ssl (iot-device-type-imagotag-policy)

Enables secure, encrypted communication over the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) between the AP and SES-imagotag server. This option is disabled by default.


It is mandatory to configure ssl parameter for encrypted connection.




trustpoint ESL

ssl parameter enables ssl on ESL communicator. This is a mandatory parameter.

ssl-cn-verify and ssl-strict-verify parameters are required to perform certificate validation for hostname (or IP address) in server certificate. If ssl-cn-verify is configured and ESL server IP or hostname doesn't match the IP or hostname in certificate common-name, then the connection request is rejected.

trustpoint ESL parameter is required to specify a configured trustpoint which points to CA or self-signed certificate. This parameter is required with ssl parameter.



For cleartext communication, you do not need to provide IP or host configuration for the default port. However, for secure communication, you must provide default secure port.


Do not enable policy before configuring the access point in ESL on-prem or cloud server.


nx9500-6C8809(config-iot-device-type-imagotag-policy-ImagoTagPolicy)#show context
 iot-device-type-imagotag-policy ImagoTagPolicy
  output-power Level-B
  payload-size 25
  port 200
  channel 9

Configure IoT Imagotag policy example

ssl                Enable ssl on ESL communicator [MANDATORY]  
ssl-cn-verify      Enforce SSL Common Name attribute verification [OPTIONAL]  
ssl-strict-verify  Enforce SSL strict verification [OPTIONAL]
ap410-FD26D0(config-iot-device-type-imagotag-policy-VCLOUD)#channel ?  
<0-10>   ESL channel number  
acs      Automatic ESL channel selection on AP
managed  ESL channel managed from ESL server [OPTIONAL]


managed channel mode should only be configured on new deployments.

trustpoint policy example

ap410-FD26D0(config-iot-device-type-imagotag-policy-VCLOUD)#trustpoint ?
WORD  Trustpoint name

trustpoint attaches configured trustpoint to policy to be used for encrypting communications.

Use configured IoT Imagotag policy example

ap310-FD8A61#show running-config profile ap310 default-ap310
profile ap310 default-ap310
no autoinstall configuration
no autoinstall firmware
device-upgrade auto ap310 ap360
crypto ikev1 policy ikev1-default
  isakmp-proposal default encryption aes-256 group 2 hash sha
crypto ikev2 policy ikev2-default
  isakmp-proposal default encryption aes-256 group 2 hash sha
crypto ipsec transform-set default esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac
crypto ikev1 remote-vpn
crypto ikev2 remote-vpn
crypto auto-ipsec-secure
crypto load-management
crypto remote-vpn-client
interface radio1
  no 11axSupport
interface radio2
  no 11axSupport
interface bluetooth1
  mode le-sensor
interface ge1
interface ge2
interface vlan1
  ip address dhcp
  ip dhcp client request options all
interface pppoe1
use firewall-policy default
rf-domain-manager capable
logging on
logging console debugging
logging buffered debugging
no service pm sys-restart
router ospf
dpi metadata http
dpi metadata ssl
adoption-mode controller
 use iot-device-type-imagotag-policy

Verify status of Imagotag policy

You need to configure the AP-ID value in ESL on-prem server or cloud server to on-board an access point. This value is found in the AP-ID column.

nx5500-85FA27#show iot-device-type-imagotag status 
Policy Name        Status      USB dongle    AP-ID AP-MAC            AP-NAME              Channel  Window Payload Power SSL       
                               State                                                               Size   Size    Level Status    
------------------ ----------- ------------- ----- ----------------- -------------------- -------- ------ ------- ----- ----------
                   Disabled    Disconnected      0 94-9B-2C-13-3B-2E ap510-133B2E          (ACS) 3      0       0     A Disabled  
Total number of devices displayed: 1
ACS: Automatic Channel Selection (automatically selected by AP)
SCS: Server Channel Selection (selected/managed by server)

Related Commands

no (iot-device-type-imagotag-policy) Disables SSL encryption mode of communication