
Configures the parameters that retrieve the page or content displayed by the client‘s browser when a requested URL is blocked and cannot be viewed

Supported on the following devices:


blockpage [external|internal|path]
blockpage path [external|internal]
blockpage external url <URL>
blockpage internal [content|footer|header|main-logo|org-name|org-signature|
small-logo|title] <LINE/IMAGE-URL>


blockpage path [external|internal]
blockpage path [external|internal] Specifies if the location of the page displayed, to the client when a requested URL is blocked, is external or internal
  • external – Indicates the page displayed is hosted on an external Web server resource. If selecting this option, use the blockpage > external > url <URL> command to provide the path to the external Web server hosting the page.
  • internal – Indicates the page displayed is hosted internally. This is the default setting. If selecting this option, use the blockpage > internal > <SELECT-PAGE-TYPE> > <LINE/IMAGE-URL> command to define the page configuration.
blockpage external url <URL>
blockpage external url <URL> Configures the URL of the external Web server hosting the page (displayed to the client when a requested URL is blocked).
  • url <URL> – Specify the URL of the Web server and the blocking page name

Valid URLs should begin with http:// or https://

The URL can contain query strings.

Use '&' or '?' character to separate field-value pair.

Enter 'ctrl-v' followed by '?' to configure query strings

blockpage internal [content|footer|header|main-logo|org-name|org-signature|
small-logo|title] <LINE/IMAGE-URL>
blockpage internal [content|footer|header|main-logo|org-name|org-signature| small-logo|title] <LINE/IMAGE-URL> Configures the internally hosted blocking page parameters, such as the content displayed, page footer and header, organization (the organization enforcing the Web page blocking) details (name, signature, and logo), and page title
  • content – Configures the text (message) displayed on the blocking page
  • footer – Configures the text displayed as the blocking page footer
  • header – Configures the text displayed as the blocking page header
  • org-name – Configures the organization‘s name displayed on the blocking page
  • org-signature – Configures the organization‘s signature displayed on the blocking page
  • title – Configures the title of the blocking page.
  • main-logo – Configures the location of the main logo (organization‘s large logo)
  • small-logo – Configures the location of the small logo (organization‘s small logo)
The following keyword is common to all of the above parameters:
  • <LINE/IMAGE-URL> – Specify the location of the logo (main and small) image file. The image is retrieved and displayed from the location configured here. If you are using this option to provide content, such as organization name, footer, header, etc. enter a text string not exceeding 255 characters in length.


nx9500-6C8809(config-url-filter-test)#blockpage internal content "The requested Web page is blocked and cannot be displayed for viewing"
nx9500-6C8809(config-url-filter-test)#show context
url-filter test
 blacklist level medium-high precedence 10
 blacklist category-type security-risk category botnets precedence 3
 blacklist category-type adult-content category alcohol-tobacco precedence 1
 blockpage internal content "The requested Web page is blocked and cannot be displayed for viewing"

Related Commands

no (url-filter-config-mode-commands) Removes the blocking page configurations