Creating a Wireless Controller Profile

The first step in creating a WLAN is to configure a profile defining the parameters applied to a wireless controller.

  1. Creating A Profile. To create a profile:
    rfs4000(config)#profile rfs4000 RFS4000_UseCase1

    This creates a profile with the name RFS400_UseCase1 and moves the cursor into its context. Any configuration made under this profile is available when it is applied to a device.

  2. Configuring a VLAN on the Profile.. Create the VLAN to use with the WLAN configuration. In this example, we are configuring VLAN 2.
    rfs4000(config-profile-RFS4000_UseCase1)#interface vlan 2
    rfs4000(config-profile-RFS4000_UseCase1-if-vlan2)#ip address

    The above command assigns the IP address with the mask of to VLAN2. Exit the VLAN2 context.

  3. Mapping the configured VLAN to a physical interface.

    The next step is to assign this newly created VLAN to a physical interface. In this case, VLAN 2 is mapped to GE3 and GE4 to support two access points, an AP 7602 and AP 7161. The AP 7602 is connected to the gigabit interface GE3 and the AP 7161 to the GE4 interface.

    1. Navigate to the physical interface's configuration context, as shown in the following example:
      rfs4000(config-profile-RFS4000_UseCase1)#interface ge 3
    2. Map VLAN 2 to this interface. This assigns the IP address to the selected physical interface
      rfs4000(config-profile-RFS4000_UseCase1-if-ge3)#switchport access vlan 2
    3. Similarly, map the defined VLAN 2 to the GE4 interface.
      rfs4000(config-profile-1_UseCase1)#interface ge 4
      rfs4000(config-profile-RFS4000_UseCase1-if-ge4)#switchport access vlan 2
  4. Save changes and Exit the profile configuration context.
    rfs4000(config)#commit write memory
  5. Applying the profile to the controller. Before the wireless controller can be further configured, the profile must be applied to the wireless controller.
    rfs4000(config-device-03-14-28-57-14-28)#use profile RFS4000_UseCase1
    rfs4000(config)#commit write
  6. Creating a WLAN. Use the following commands to create a WLAN and configure it's mandatory parameters:
    1. Create a WLAN.
      rfs4000(config)#wlan 1
    2. Configure the WLAN's SSID. This is the value that identifies and helps differentiate this WLAN.
      rfs4000(config-wlan-1)#ssid WLAN_USECASE_01
    3. Enable the SSID to be broadcasted so that wireless clients can find it and associate.


      The WLAN created for this usecase, is an open WLAN, with no authentication mode specified. Once the WLAN is mapped to an AP, clients will not require password for associating with the WLAN through the AP.
    4. Associate VLAN 2 to the WLAN and exit.
      rfs4000(config-wlan-1)#vlan 2
  7. Commit the changes. Once these changes have been made, they have to be committed before proceeding.
    rfs4000(config)#commit write memory