Bulk 'Rev:AA' AP5XX Upgrade through WiNG Controller/ExtremeCloud Appliance

Consider a scenario consisting of multiple 'Rev:AA' AP505/AP510 access points managed by a WiNG Controller or through the ExtremeCloud Appliance. In this case, the 'Rev: AA' APs get upgraded through the controller or ExtremeCloud Appliance.


To be able to adopt and upgrade AP505/AP510 model access points, WiNG Controllers need to be running version WiNG and ExtremeCloud Appliance needs to be running version 4.36.01.


The WiNG 7.1.X AP505 and AP510 model access points have the capability of operating in the following two modes: Distributed and Centralized. For a newly-manufactured, out-of-the-box AP505 and AP510 access point the mode of operation is not specified. The Centralized mode of operation is ideally suited for dense localized deployments, while the Distributed mode supports scaled-out deployments.
  1. Deploy the 'Rev: AA' AP505/AP510 access points.
    The APs will boot up with the operational-mode not specified.
  2. After booting up, the APs run the discovery image to determine their mode of operation.


    Based on the discovery methods found in the network, the operational-mode is set to either 'Distributed' or 'Centralized'.
  3. The APs then try to discover and adopt to an adopter.


    Based on the network-provided discovery mechanism (that is, DHCP or DNS), the APs discover and adopt either to a WiNG Controller or the ExtremeCloud Appliance.
    The following adoption scenarios are possible for the two modes of operation:
    • AP in Distributed mode — can adopt to a WiNG VC, WiNG Controller or ExtremeCloud Appliance
    • AP in Centralized mode — can adopt to ExtremeCLoud Appliance
  4. In case of ExtremeCloud Appliance adoption, the APs will be automatically upgraded to the latest firmware post adoption.
  5. In case of WiNG Controller adoption, the APs will be upgraded by the Controller based on device upgrade settings configured on the Controller (auto upgrade upon adoption or on demand upgrade).