Auto-discovery of AP's Mode of Operation

When a newly-manufactured AP boots up for the first time it goes through the following procedure:
  1. The AP runs the discovery image to determine its mode of operation.
  2. If the AP finds Distributed discovery methods, it reboots into the 'Distributed' mode.
  3. If the AP finds Centralized discovery methods, it reboots into the 'Centralized' mode.
  4. The AP then tries to discover and adopt to an adopter. The following adoption scenarios are possible for the two modes of operation:
    • AP in Distributed mode — can adopt to a WiNG VC, WiNG Controller or ExtremeCloud Appliance
    • AP in Centralized mode — can adopt to ExtremeCLoud Appliance


If the AP (Centralized or Distributed) adopts to ExtremeCloud Appliance, its final mode of operation is determined by the type of site in which the AP is placed. If it is placed in a Distributed site, its mode is set to ‘Distributed‘. If placed in a 'Centralized site', its mode is set to ‘Centralized‘. For more information on ExtremeCloud Appliance adoption and configuration, please refer to the ExtremeCloud Appliance User Guide available at


If the AP fails to adopt to any of the above mentioned adopters, you can manually set the AP to the Standalone mode. For more information, see Manually-setting AP's Mode of Operation.


For information on how to reset the mode of operation of an AP adopted to a WiNG VC or Controller, see Resetting an AP's Mode of Operation.