

Associates an IP (IPv4 and IPv6) access list, bonjour-gw-discovery policy, and an IPv6-router-advertisement policy with this VLAN interface

Supported on the following devices:


use [bonjour-gw-discovery-policy <POLICY-NAME>|ip-access-list in <IP-ACL-NAME>|ipv6-access-list in <IPv6-ACL-NAME>|ipv6-router-advertisement-policy <POLICY-NAME>|url-filter <URL-FILTER-NAME>]


use [bonjour-gw-discovery-policy <POLICY-NAME>|ip-access-list in <IP-ACL-NAME>|
ipv6-access-list in <IPv6-ACL-NAME>|ipv6-router-advertisement-policy <POLICY-NAME>|
url-filter <URL-FILTER-NAME>]
bonjour-gw-discovery-policy <POLICY-NAME> Uses an existing Bonjour GW Discovery policy with this VLAN interface. When associated, the Bonjour GW Discovery policy is applied for the Bonjour requests coming over the VLAN interface.
  • <POLICY-NAME> – Specify the Bonjour GW Discovery policy name (should be existing and configured).
ip-access-list in <IP-ACCESS-LIST-NAME> Uses a specified IPv4 access list with this interface
  • in – Applies IPv4 ACL to incoming packets
    • <IP-ACCESS-LIST-NAME> – Specify the IPv4 access list name.
ipv6-access-list in <IPv6-ACCESS-LIST-NAME> Uses a specified IPv6 access list with this interface
  • in – Applies IPv6 ACL to incoming packets
    • <IPv6-ACCESS-LIST-NAME> – Specify the IPv6 access list name.
ipv6-router-advertisement-policy <POLICY-NAME> Uses an existing IPv6 router advertisement policy with this VLAN interface.
  • <POLICY-NAME> – Specify the IPv6 router advertisement policy name (should be existing and configured).
url-filter <URL-FILTER-NAME> Enforces URL filtering on this VLAN interface by associating a URL filter
  • <URL-FILTER-NAME> – Specify the URL filter name (should be existing and configured).


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-default-nx5500-if-vlan8)#use ip-access-list in test

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-default-nx5500-if-vlan8)#show context
 interface vlan8
  ip address
  use ip-access-list in test
  ip helper-address

Related Commands

no Disables or reverts interface VLAN settings to their default