
Configures an e-mail host server (for example: along with sender related credentials and the recipient gateway e-mail address to which the message is E-mailed. The gateway server converts the e-mail into SMS and sends the message to the guest user‘s mobile device.

When sending an e-mail, the e-mail client interacts with a SMTP server to handle the content transmission. The SMTP server on the host may have conversations with other SMTP servers to deliver the e-mail.

Supported in the following platforms:


sms-over-smtp [host|message|subject]
sms-over-smtp host [<IP/HOSTNAME>|<HOST-ALIAS-NAME>] sender <EMAIL-ADDRESS> 
security [none|ssl|starttls] username <USER-NAME> password <PASSWORD> recipient <EMAIL-ADDRESS>
sms-over-smtp message <LINE>
sms-over-smtp subject <LINE>


sms-over-smtp host [<IP/HOSTNAME>|<HOST-ALIAS-NAME>] sender <EMAIL-ADDRESS> security 
[none|ssl|starttls] username <USER-NAME> password <PASSWORD> recipient <EMAIL-ADDRESS>
sms-over-smtp Configures guest user SMS over SMTP notification settings
host [<IP/HOSTNAME>| <HOST-ALIAS-NAME>] Configures the SMS gateway server resource‘s IPv4 address or hostname used for guest management SMS over SMTP traffic, guest user credential validation and pass code reception. Optionally you can use an existing host alias to identify the SMS gateway server resource.
  • <IP/HOSTNAME> – Specify the SMTP gateway server resource‘s IP address or hostname.
  • <HOST-ALIAS-NAME> – Specify the host alias name (should existing and configured). Consider providing the host as an alias. A host alias is a configuration item that maps the alias to a hostname. Once created, it can be used across different configuration modes. Where ever used the alias is replaced by the associated hostname.
sender <EMAIL-ADDRESS> Configures the sender‘s e-mail address. The sender here is the guest user receiving the pass code. Guest users require this pass code for registering their guest e-mail credentials using SMTP.
  • <EMAIL-ADDRESS> – Specify the e-mail address (should not exceed 64 characters).
security [none|ssl|starttls] Configures the encryption protocol used by the SMTP server when communicating the pass code
  • none – No encryption used. Use if no additional user authentication is needed beyond the required username and password combination.
  • SSL – Uses SSL encryption. This is the default setting.
    • STARTTLS – Uses STARTTLS encryption
username <USER-NAME> Configures a username unique to this SMTP guest management configuration. After configuring the username, specify the associated password. Ensure that the correct password is provided to receive the pass code required for registering guest user credentials with SMTP.
  • <USER-NAME> – Specify the username (should not exceed 64 characters).
password <PASSWORD> Configures the password associated with the specified SMTP user name
  • <PASSWORD> – Specify the password (should not exceed 64 characters).
recipient <EMAIL-ADDRESS> Configures the e-mail recipient's e-mail address
  • <EMAIL-ADDRESS> – Specify the recipient‘s e-mail address (should not exceed 64 characters in length.
sms-over-smtp message <LINE>
sms-over-smtp Configures guest user SMS over SMTP notification message content
message <LINE> Configures the content of the SMS over SMTP sent to the guest user notifying the pass code (should not exceed 1024 characters)
  • <LINE> – Specify the message content. When entering the message, use the following tags:

    GM-NAME – for the guest user‘s name

    GM_PASSCODE – for the pass code

    CR-NL – to enter a new line

    For example: Dear GM_NAME, CR-NL your internet access pass code is GM_PASSCODE. CR-NL Use this access code for internet access.

sms-over-smtp subject <LINE>
sms-over-smtp Configures guest user e-mail notification subject line content
subject <LINE> Configures the subject line of the SMS over SMTP sent to the guest user notifying the pass code (should not exceed 100 characters)
  • <LINE> – Specify the subject line content. When entering the subject line, use the following tag:

    GM-NAME – for the guest user‘s name

    For example: GM_NAME, your internet access code


nx9500-6C8809(config-guest-management-test3)#sms-over-smtp host test sender security ssl username bob password bob@123 recipient
nx9500-6C8809(config-guest-management-test3)#show context
guest-management test3
 sms-over-smtp host test sender security ssl username bob password bob@123 recipient

Related Commands

no (guest-management-policy-config-commands) Removes the SMS over SMTP settings used to send SMS to the guest user