gps (user and privi exec modes)

Use this command to enable the GPS hardware, on an AP7662 model access point, initiate a search for the AP's geographic coordinates. You can execute the command directly on the AP (standalone), or on the AP's controller (in case of adopted AP).


This command only initiates the search process. It does not return the actual GPS coordinates. To view the coordinates, execute the following command:
show gps coordinates {on <DEVICE-NAME>}

Supported in the following platforms:


gps search [start|stop] {on <DEVICE-NAME>}


gps search [start|stop] {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
gps search [start|stop] Triggers the GPS hardware to start or stop the GPS coordinates search process
  • start - The GPS hardware starts the search process.
  • stop - The GPS hardware stops the search process.
Note: Unless explicitly stopped, the GPS coordinates search continues at regular intervals.
on <DEVICE-NAME> Optional. Specifies the AP whose geographic coordinates are to be determined. Use this option if executing the command on the controller or virtual controller to which the AP is adopted.
  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP7662.
Note: If you do not specify a device name, the system initiates the search on the logged device. And if the logged device is not an AP7662 model access point, an error message returns.


ap7662-8BDE4D#gps search start
Started GPS Search, please check back after some time.
ap7662-8BDE4D#show gps coordinates
GPS Search is in progress.
Last location recorded at UTC time : Mon Apr 23 22:10:54 2018 :  Latitude : 13.036N Longitude : 77.3827E