Role Policy

This chapter summarizes the role policy commands in the CLI command structure. A well defined role policy simplifies user management, and is a significant aspect of WLAN management. It acts as a role based firewall (much like ACLs) consisting of user-defined roles. Each role has a set of match criteria (filters) used to filter wireless clients. The action taken when a client matches the defined filters, is determined by the IP or MAC ACL associated with the user-defined role. Based on the conditions specified in the IP and/or MAC ACL, clients are granted or denied access to the controller managed network. The role policy also defines the VLAN and data rates assigned to clients provided network access.

A role policy also enables LDAP service, allowing controllers and access points to retrieve user information from the LDAP server. This information is matched with the user-defined role filters to determine if a client matches the role or not, and should be allowed or denied access to the controller managed network.

Use the (config-role-policy) instance to configure role policy related configuration commands. To navigate to the config-role instance, use the following commands:

<DEVICE>(config)#role-policy <POLICY-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config)#role-policy test
Role Policy Mode commands:
  default-role     Configuration for Wireless Clients not matching any role
  ldap-deadperiod  Ldap dead period interval
  ldap-query       Set the ldap query mode
  ldap-server      Add a ldap server
  ldap-timeout     Ldap query timeout interval
  no               Negate a command or set its defaults
  user-role        Create a role

  clrscr           Clears the display screen
  commit           Commit all changes made in this session
  do               Run commands from Exec mode
  end              End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit             End current mode and down to previous mode
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  revert           Revert changes
  service          Service Commands
  show             Show running system information
  write            Write running configuration to memory or terminal
