Begins a console connection to a remote device using the remote device's MiNT ID or name
This command and its syntax is common to both the User Executable and Privilege Executable configuration modes.
connect [mint-id <MINT-ID>|<REMOTE-DEVICE-NAME>]
connect [mint-id <MINT-ID>|<REMOTE-DEVICE-NAME>]
mint-id <MINT-ID> |
Connects to the remote system using its MiNT ID
Connects to the remote system using its name
ap510-133B3B>connect ap510-133B3B ap510-13452A default/ap510-133B3B default/ap510-13452A mint-id ap510-133B3B>
ap510-133B3B>connect ap510-13452A Entering character mode Escape character is '^]'. AP510 release ap510-13452A login: