advertisement-interval (bgp-neighbor-config)

Configures the minimum interval, in seconds, between two consecutive BGP router updates

Supported in the following platforms:


advertisement-interval <0-600>


advertisement-interval <0-600>
advertisement-interval <0-600> Configures the minimum interval, in seconds, between two consecutive BGP router updates. Sending too many router updates creates flapping of routes leading to possible disruptions. Specify a minimum interval so that the BGP routing updates are sent after the set interval.
  • <0-600> – Specify a value from 0 - 600 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile testNX9000-router-bgp-neighbor- advertisement-interval 100
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile testNX9000-router-bgp-neighbor-
  bgp neighbor
   advertisement-interval 100
nx9500-6C8809(config-profile testNX9000-router-bgp-neighbor-

Related Commands

no (bgp-neighbor-config)

Reverts the minimum interval between two consecutive BGP router updates to default (5 seconds)