acv request

Use this command to set the request string to send to the remote application.


acv request request-string
no acv request request-string


request-string Specifies the request string sent to the server application port. Valid value is a string of up to 127 printable characters. If a space character is used, the string must be enclosed in double quotes (“”).




State probe configuration mode.


The ACV request-string is required when the probe is configured for ACV. This is the string that the Tracked Object Manager sends to the application port of the server. The server‘s reply will be validated against the ACV reply-string specified in the command acv reply.

A Carriage Return / Line Feed character “\\r\\n” should be included in the ACV request-string if it is required by the server protocol. Carriage Returns and Line Feeds are control characters and require a double backslash “\\” to be treated as control characters. That is '\\r' is a Carriage Return and '\\n' is a Line Feed, and ‘\\t‘ is a TAB.

Use the no acv request command to delete the ACV request configuration for this probe.


This example sets the request string for probe TCP-HTTP to “GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\n\\r\\n”:

System(su-config)->probe TCP-HTTP tcp
System(su-config-probe)->acv request “GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\n\\r\\n”