Use this command to display probe configuration and statistics.
probe-name | (Optional) Specifies the name of the probe for which a summary information line will display. |
detail | (Optional) Specifies that a detailed level of configuration information should display for the specified probe. |
session | (Optional) Specifies that session information should display for the specified probe. |
If probe-name is not specified, a summary line for all probes displays.
If detail or session is not specified, a summary line for the specified probe displays.
All command modes.
This example displays a summary line of information for all configured probes:
System(su)->show probe Type Codes: S-state probe, T-timing probe Probe name T Protocol Status Sessions ------------------------------- - --------- ---------- -------- $rte_default S bfd Inservice 1 UdpDoc S udp Disabled 0 icmpDoc S icmp Inservice 1 icmpTimingDoc T icmp Disabled 0 tcpDoc S tcp Inservice 1 bfdDoc S bfd Inservice 1 Displayed 6 probes System(su)->
This example displays a detailed level of information for probe tcpDoc:
System(su)->show probe tcpDoc detail Description: HTTP TCP probe with ACV Probe: tcpDoc Protocol: tcp-acv Administrative state: inservice Session count: 1 Fail-detect count: 3 Pass-detect count: 3 Fail-detect interval: 2 Pass-detect interval: 10 3-way TCP handshake wait time: 5 Server response wait time: 10 Application Content Verification: Request-string: GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\n\\r\\n Reply-string: HTTP Close-string: Search-Depth: 255 Displayed 1 probes System(su)->
This example displays a detailed level of information for the BFD probe bfdDoc:
show probe bfdDoc detail Description: BFD Documentation Probe State Probe: bfdDoc Protocol: bfd Administrative state: inservice Session count: 1 Desired tx rate (ms): 50 Echo tx rate (ms): 250 Minimum rx rate (ms): 50 Echo rx rate (ms): 250 Detection multiplier: 7 Echo miss-count: 4 Slow-timer (ms): 1050 Echo mode: enabled Demand-mode (seconds): 136
This example displays a summary line of information for probe docProbeTcp1:
System(su)->show probe tcpDoc Faildetect Passdetect Probe name Type Count/Interval Count/Interval Sessions ------------------------------- -------- -------------- -------------- -------- tcpDoc tcp 3/10 3/300 1 Displayed 1 probes System(su)->
show probe detail Output Details provides an explanation of the show probe detail command output.
show probe detail Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
Description | Specifies an administratively configured description for this probe, as configured using description. This field only displays if the description has been set. |
Probe name | Specifies the name of the probe, as configured using probe or probe icmp timing. |
T | Specifies the probe type:
Protocol | Specifies the probe protocol: BFD, ICMP, TCP, or UDP. |
Status | Specifies whether the probe is inservice or disabled. |
Sessions or Session count | Specifies the number of active sessions for this probe. |
Administrative state | Specifies whether the probe is inservice or not-in-service, as configured using inservice. |
Fail-detect count | Specifies the consecutive number of failed attempts before the service is declared down, as configured using faildetect. |
Fail-detect interval | Specifies the delay between probes to a service that is up, as configured using faildetect. |
3-way TCP handshake wait time | Specifies an interval in seconds that the Tracked Object Manager will wait for the 3-way handshake to complete, as configured using open. |
Type | Specifies the probe protocol specified when creating the probe. “-acv” is appended to the type if any ACV parameter is configured. |
Session count | Specifies the number of active sessions using this probe. |
Pass-detect count | Specifies the consecutive number of successful probes to a service before the service is declared up, as configured using passdetect. |
Pass-detect interval | Specifies the delay between probes to a service that is currently down, as configured using passdetect. |
Server response wait time | Specifies the time in seconds the Tracked Object Manager waits for a response from the service, before declaring a failed probe, as configured using receive. |
Request-string | Specifies the command string sent to the server application port, as configured using acv request. |
Reply-string | Specifies the expected reply returned from the server, as configured using acv reply. |
Close-string | Specifies the close string used to close the session, if required by the remote protocol, as configured using acv close. |
Search-depth | Specifies how deep into the response packet from the server to search for the ACV reply string, as configured using acv search-depth. |
Desired tx rate (ms) | Specifies the minimum interval in 50ms increments between the transmission of control packets. |
Minimum rx rate (ms) | Specifies the minimum interval in 50ms increments between received control packets the system supports. |
Detection multiplier | Specifies the minimum number of consecutive packets that can be missed before the BFD session transitions to down. |
Slow-timer (ms) | Specifies the value of the BFD slow timer feature to override the Control min-rx value when echo mode is active. |
Demand-mode (seconds) | Specifies the number of seconds a session must remain up before demand-mode will be enabled. |
Echo tx rate (ms) | Specifies the minimum interval in 50ms increments between the transmission of echo packets. |
Echo rx rate (ms) | Specifies the minimum interval in 50ms increments between received echo packets the system supports. |
Echo miss-count | Specifies the minimum number of consecutive echo packets that can be missed before the BFD session transitions to down. |
Echo mode | Specifies whether the Echo feature is enabled or disabled. |