sticky type

Use this command to set the sticky type for the IPv4 or IPv6 virtual-servers.


sticky type {sip | sip dip-dport}
no sticky type


sip Specifies stickiness based on the source IP address.
sip dip-dport Specifies stickiness based on the source IP address, destination IP address, and destination port.




Configuration command, SLB Virtual Server Configuration mode.


A sticky entry contains a mapping of the client source IP address (and optionally, destination IP and destination UDP/TCP port number) and the selected real server. Bindings can come and go, but a sticky entry persists using a separate idle timer. When a new request is processed by a vserver, the sticky table is checked for an entry matching the vserver?s sticky type. If an entry is found, then the load balancing algorithm is skipped and the request is mapped to the sticky entry‘s real server.

The “no” form of this command sets the binding type to non-sticky.


This example shows how to apply the sticky binding type SIP to the virtual-lsnat virtual server:

System(rw-config)->ip slb vserver virtual-lsnat
System(rw-config-slb-vserver)->serverfarm lsnat
System(rw-config-slb-vserver)->virtual tcp 0
System(rw-config-slb-vserver)->sticky type sip

This example shows how to apply the sticky binding type SIP to the virtual-lsnat66 virtual server:

System(rw-config)->ipv6 slb vserver virtual-lsnat66
System(rw-config-slb-vserver)->serverfarm lsnat66
System(rw-config-slb-vserver)->virtual 2001:11ac:fd34::5 udp tftp
System(rw-config-slb-vserver)->sticky type sip