Use this command to create a permit access list rule entry.
protocol-num | Specifies an IPv4 protocol for which to permit access. Valid values are protocol numbers from 0 - 255. |
ip | Specifies any IPv4 protocol (0 - 255) |
esp | Specifies the Encapsulation Security Payload protocol |
gre | Specifies the Generic Router Encapsulation protocol |
tcp | Specifies the Transmission Control Protocol |
udp | Specifies the User Datagram Protocol |
icmp | Specifies the IP Internet Control Message Protocol |
source | Specifies the IPv4 address of the network or host from which the packet will be sent. |
source-wildcard | Specifies the bits to ignore in the source address. |
destination | Specifies the IPv4 address of the network or host to which the packet will be sent. |
destination-wildcard | Specifies the bits to ignore in the destination address. |
any | Specifies that any source or destination (extended access list only) address applies to this rule entry. |
host ip-address | Specifies a specific host address that will be applied to this rule entry. |
msg icmp-msg | (Optional) Specifies a single ICMP message type by entering a keyword. Supported message type keywords are provided in ICMP Message Types. |
eq | neq | gt | lt {source-port | dest-port} | (Optional) Specifies that a source or destination port is permitted. The meaning of the keywords are:
range start-port end-port | (Optional) Specifies a range of source or destination ports permitted. |
established | (Optional) Specifies that only established TCP connections are permitted. A match is made if ACK or RST bits are set. |
dscp code | (Optional) Specifies a DiffServe Code Point (DSCP) value to match against this packet‘s DSCP code. Valid values are 0 - 63, or one of the following keywords:
precedence value | (Optional) Specifies an IP Precedence value. Valid values are 0 - 7, or in order from high to low: critical, flash, flash-override, immediate, internet, network, priority, routine. |
tos value | (Optional) Specifies a Type of Service (ToS) value. Valid values are 0 - 15, or max-reliability, max-throughput, min-delay, min-monetary-cost, normal. |
log | log-verbose | (Optional) Enables syslog or verbose syslog messaging for an ACL rule hit. |
set-dscp value | A mandatory policy access list only parameter that specifies the DSCP value to be set for the packet when a match for this rule occurs. |
Configuration command, standard or extended access list configuration.
Entering any IPv4 protocol number will configure the permit entry for the specified protocol, but will limit configurable parameters to the list in the protocol-num syntax. Specifying the tcp, udp, or icmp keywords will provide the extended parameter set listed in the syntax for these keywords.
Access list logging is throttled to 1 log message per second. If there are multiple access list rules with logging enabled (log or log-verbose), and more then one frame is transmitted per second that can hit those rules, only the first frame will generate a message. Logging is sampling and does not report every time that a rule with logging enabled is hit.
Source and destination wildcard provides an inverted mask (specifies the don‘t care bits as 1s). specifies an exact match.
The any option is short-hand for
The set-dscp parameter is only used and is mandatory in a policy access list. All other extended and policy parameters are used in both extended and policy IP access lists.
ICMP Message Types contains supported ICMP message types with message codes and descriptions.
ICMP Message Types
Message Type | Message Code and Description |
information-reply | (16,0) Information replies |
information-request | (15,0) Information requests |
ipv6-i-am-here | (34,0) IPv6 I Am Here |
ipv6-where-are-you | (33,0) IPv6 Where are you |
mask-reply | (18,0) Mask replies |
mask-request | (17,0) Mask requests |
mobile-redirect | (32,0) Mobile host redirect |
mobile-reg-reply | (36,0) Mobile registration reply |
mobile-reg-request | (35,0) Mobile registration request |
net-redirect | (5,0) Network redirect |
net-tos-redirect | (5,2) Net redirect for TOS |
net-tos-unreachable | (3,11) Network unreachable for TOS |
net-unreachable | (3,0) Net unreachable |
network-unknown | (3,6) Network unknown |
no-room-for-option | (12,2) Parameter required but no room |
option-missing | (12,1) Parameter required but not present |
packet-too-big | (3,4) Fragmentation needed and DF set |
parameter-problem | (12,0) Parameter problem indicated |
port-unreachable | (3,3) Port unreachable |
precedence-unreachable | (3,15) Precedence cutoff |
protocol-unreachable | (3,20) Protocol unreachable |
reassembly-timeout | (11,1) Reassembly timeout |
router-advertisement | (9,0) Router discovery advertisements |
router-solicitation | (10,0) Router discovery solicitations |
source-quench | (4,0) Source quenches |
source-route-failed | (3,5) Source route failed |
timestamp-reply | (14,0) Timestamp replies |
timestamp-request | (13,0) Timestamp requests |
traceroute | (30,0) Traceroute |
ttl-exceeded | (11,0) Time-to-live exceeded |
This example enters configuration mode for standard access list 2 and configures a permit entry for source address with a source wildcard of
System(rw-config)->ip access-list standard 2 System(rw-cfg-std-acl)->permit System(rw-cfg-std-acl)->
This example enters configuration mode for extended access list 120 and configures a permit entry for the IP protocol with a source address and source wildcard of and a destination address of any:
System(rw-config)->ip access-list extended 120 System(rw-cfg-ext-acl)->permit ip any System(rw-cfg-ext-acl)->
This example enters configuration mode for extended access list 130 and configures a permit entry for the ICMP protocol with a source network address of and source wildcard of and a destination address of and destination wildcard of and a router advertisement ICMP message type:
System(rw-config)->ip access-list extended 130 System(rw-cfg-ext-acl)->>permit icmp msg router-advertisement System(rw-cfg-ext-acl)-