clear antispoof class

Use this command to clear anti-spoofing class configuration.


clear antispoof class class-index [name] [timeout] [threshold-index thresh-index]


class-index Specifies the class index value.
name (Optional) Specifies the current name value is reset to the default value of NULL string.
timeout (Optional) Specifies the timeout value is reset to the default of 600 seconds.
threshold-index thresh-index (Optional) Specifies the threshold index to be reset to the default value of 0 (no threshold is applied).


If no option is specified, all configuration for the specified class index is cleared. If an option is specified, only the specified option is affected.


All command modes.


This example shows how to clear all configuration for the anti-spoofing class index 1:

System(rw)->clear antispoof class 1

This example shows how to reset threshold index 1 configuration to the default threshold values for the anti-spoofing class index 1:

System(rw)->clear antispoof class 1 threshold-index 1

This example shows how to reset the timeout value for for the anti-spoofing class index 1 to the default value of 600:

System(rw)->clear antispoof class 1 timeout