set summertime recurring

Use this command to configure recurring daylight savings time settings.


set summertime recurring start_week start_day start_month start_hr_min end_week end_day end_month end_hr_min [offset_minutes]


start_week Specifies the week of the month to restart daylight savings time. Valid values are: first, second, third, fourth, and last.
start_day Specifies the day of the week to restart daylight savings time.
start_month Specifies the month to restart daylight saving time.
start_hr_min Specifies the time of day to restart daylight savings time. Format is hh:mm.
end_week Specifies the week of the month to end daylight savings time.
end_day Specifies the day of the week to end daylight savings time.
end_month Specifies the month to end daylight saving time.
end_hr_min Specifies the time of day to end daylight savings time. Format is hh:mm.
offset_minutes (Optional) Specifies the amount of time in minutes to offset daylight savings time from the non-daylight savings time system setting. Valid values are 1–1440.


If an offset is not specified, none will be applied.


All command modes.


These settings will start and stop daylight savings time at the specified day of the month and hour each year and will not have to be reset annually.


This example shows how to set daylight savings time to recur starting on the second Sunday of March at 2 a.m. and an ending on the first Sunday in November at 2 a.m. with an offset time of one hour:

System(rw)->set summertime recurring second Sunday March 02:00 first Sunday November 02:00 60