Use this command to display the state of communication between an OSPF router and its neighbor routers.
detail | (Optional) Displays detailed information about the neighbors, including the area in which they are neighbors, who the designated router/backup designated router is on the subnet, if applicable, and the decimal equivalent of the E-bit value from the hello packet options field. |
ip-address | (Optional) Displays OSPF neighbors for a specific IP address. |
vlan vlan-id | (Optional) Displays OSPF neighbors for a specific VLAN. This VLAN must be configured for IP routing as described in the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide. |
All command modes.
This example shows how to use the show ip ospf neighbor command:
System(rw)->show ip ospf neighbor ID Pri State Dead-Int Address Interface 1 FULL 40 vlan1
show ip ospf neighbor Output Details provides an explanation of the command output.
show ip ospf neighbor Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
ID | Neighbor‘s router ID of the OSPF neighbor. |
Pri | Neighbor‘s priority over this interface. |
State | Neighbor‘s OSPF communication state. |
Dead-Int | Interval (in seconds) this router will wait without receiving a Hello packet from a neighbor before declaring the neighbor is down. |
Address | Neighbor‘s IP address. |
Interface | Neighbor‘s interface (VLAN). |