Use this command to display all ports enabled for quarantine agent authentication and global quarantine agent authentication state or state and configuration information for the specified port.
port port-string | (Optional) Specifies the port to display. |
If no port is specified, a list of all ports enabled for the quarantine agent displays.
All command modes.
This example shows how to display the global quarantine agent state on the device and all ports enabled for quarantine agent authentication:
System(rw)->show quarantine-agent Quarantine Agent: enabled Quarantine Agent Accounting: disabled Enabled Ports: lag.0.4,6;ge.1.1-46;ge.2.1-47,101-112;tg.3.4-5,8;tg.5.1-15;ge.6.2-46;tg.6.101-104;ge.7.1-47
This example shows how to display quarantine agent state and configuration information for LAG 6:
show quarantine-agent port lag.0.6 Quarantine Agent: enabled Port Port State Session TO Idle TO Allowed Allocated --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- lag.0.6 enabled 0 0 9216 9216 System(rw)->
show quarantine-agent Output Display provides an explanation of the command output.
show quarantine-agent Output Display
Output... | What it displays... |
Quarantine Agent | Quarantine agent state: enabled or disabled. |
Enabled Ports | Displays all ports enabled for the quarantine agent. |
Port State | Quarantine agent port state. |
Session TO | Session time out value in seconds. If 0, the quarantine agent session timeout value defaults to the MultiAuth global session time out value as configured by set multiauth session-timeout. |
Idle TO | Idle time out value in seconds. If 0, the quarantine agent session timeout value defaults to the MultiAuth global idle time out value as configured by set multiauth idle-timeout. |
Allowed | Number of quarantine users allowed on the port. |
Allocated | Number of quarantine users actually allocated on the port. |