show console

Use this command to display properties set for one or more console ports.


show console [baud] [bits] [flowcontrol] [parity] [stopbits] [port-string]


baud Displays the input/output baud rate.
bits Displays the number of bits per character.
flowcontrol Displays the type of flow control.
parity Displays the type of parity.
stopbits Displays the number of stop bits.
port-string (Optional) Displays properties for specific console port(s).


If a property is not specified, all properties will be displayed. If port-string is not specified, all properties or the specified property for all console ports will be displayed.


All command modes.


This example shows how to display properties for all console ports:

System(rw)->show console
Port          Baud    Flow    Bits  StopBits    Parity
------------  ------  ------  ----  ----------  ------
com.1.1       9600    ctsrts  8     one         none
com.2.1       9600    ctsrts  8     one         none
com.3.1       9600    ctsrts  8     one         none

This example shows how to display properties for console port com.1.1:

System(rw)->show console com.1.1
Port          Baud    Flow    Bits  StopBits    Parity
------------  ------  ------  ----  ----------  ------
com.1.1       38400   ctsrts  8     one         none

This example shows how to display the bits property for console port com.1.1:

System(rw)->show console bits com.1.1
Port          Bits
------------  --------
com.1.1       8