Use this command to display the remote system information stored for a remote device connected to a local port.
port-string | (Optional) Displays remote system information for one or a range of ports. |
If port-string is not specified, remote system information will be displayed for all ports.
All command modes.
You can use this information to detect misconfigurations or incompatibilities between the local port and the attached endpoint device (remote port).
This example shows how to display the remote system information stored for port ge.2.1:
System(rw)->show lldp port remote-info ge.2.1 Local Port : ge.2.1 Remote Port Id : ge.1.2 --------------------- Chassis ID : 00-11-88-fe-52-8c Enhanced Transmission Selection Configuration Max Traffic Classes : 8 Willing : no Credit Base Shaper Supported: no Priority Assignment : Pri[0]: 2 Pri[1]: 2 Pri[2]: 2 Pri[3]: 4 : Pri[4]: 4 Pri[5]: 5 Pri[6]: 6 Pri[7]: 7 Traffic Class Bandwidth : TC [0]: 0% TC [1]: 0% TC [2]: 30% TC [3]: 0% : TC [4]: 70% TC [5]: 0% TC [6]: 0% TC [7]: 0% TSA Assignment : TC [0]: 2 TC [1]: 2 TC [2]: 2 TC [3]: 2 : TC [4]: 2 TC [5]: 255 TC [6]: 255 TC [7]: 255 Priority Flow Control Willing : no MACsec Bypass Capability : no Capability : 2 Enable : Pri[0]: 0 Pri[1]: 0 Pri[2]: 0 Pri[3]: 0 : Pri[4]: 0 Pri[5]: 0 Pri[6]: 1 Pri[7]: 0 Recommendation Priority Assignment : Pri[0]: 2 Pri[1]: 2 Pri[2]: 2 Pri[3]: 4 : Pri[4]: 4 Pri[5]: 5 Pri[6]: 6 Pri[7]: 7 Traffic Class Bandwidth : TC [0]: 0% TC [1]: 0% TC [2]: 30% TC [3]: 0% : TC [4]: 70% TC [5]: 0% TC [6]: 0% TC [7]: 0% TSA Assignment : TC [0]: 2 TC [1]: 2 TC [2]: 2 TC [3]: 2 : TC [4]: 2 TC [5]: 255 TC [6]: 255 TC [7]: 255 PoE Device : PSE device (Type 1) PoE Power Source : primary PoE MDI Supported/Enabled : yes/yes PoE Pair Controllable/Used : no/signal PoE Power Class : 0 PoE Power Priority : low PoE PD Requested Power : 154 PoE PSE Allocated Power : 154
Extended PoE info (PoE type, source, priority, and requested power) is sent only when the local device is actively supplying or drawing lldp port remote-info Output Details describes the information displayed by the show lldp port local-info command.
show lldp port remote-info Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
Local Port | Identifies the port for which local system information is displayed. |
Remote Port Id | Mandatory basic LLDP TLV that identifies the port transmitting the LLDPDU. Value is ifName object defined in RFC 2863. |
Chassis ID | Identifies the chassis ID for the remote port. |
Enhanced Transmission Selection Configuration | IEEE 802.1Qaz Enhanced Transmission Selection parameters provide a common management framework for assignment of bandwidth to 802.1p CoS-based traffic classes. |
Max Traffic Classes | Maximum number of supported Enhanced Transmission Selection Traffic Classes supported. |
Willing | An Enhanced Transmission Selection or Priority Flow Control setting that indicates whether the station is willing to accept configurations from a remote station. |
Credit Base Shaper Supported | Specifies whether the device supports the Credit-based Shaper Transmission Selection algorithm. Currently not supported on Extreme Networks devices. |
Priority Assignment | Specifies the traffic class group to which the specified priority is assigned. |
Traffic Class Bandwidth | Specifies the percent of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class. |
TSA Assignment | Specifies the Transmission Selection Algorithm per priority: 0 = strict priority, 1 = Credit-based Shaper, 2 = Enhanced Transmission Selection, 255 = vendor specific. |
MACsec Bypass Capability | Specifies whether the MACsec Bypass capability is supported or not. |
Capability | Specifies the number of PFCs supported by the device. |
Enable | Specifies whether the listed priority is enabled for Priority Flow Control. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. |
Recommendation | A TLV encoded into each IEEE Standard 802.1AB LLDP message that indicates a recommendation on how Enhanced Transmission Selection should be configured. |
Priority Assignment | Specifies the traffic class group to which the specified priority is assigned. |
Traffic Class Bandwidth | Specifies the recommended percent of bandwidth per traffic class. |
TSA Assignment | Specifies the recommended Transmission Selection Algorithm per priority: 0 = strict priority, 1 = Credit-based Shaper, 2 = Enhanced Transmission Selection, 255 = vendor specific. |
PoE Device | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Value is the Power Type of the device. On a Extreme Networks switch port, the value is Power Sourcing Entity (PSE), type 1. |
PoE Power Source | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Value can be primary or backup, indicating whether the PSE is using its primary or backup power source. |
PoE MDI Supported/Enabled | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Indicates whether sending the Power via MDI TLV is supported/enabled. Value can be yes or no. |
PoE Pair Controllable/Used | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Indicates whether pair selection can be controlled on the given port (refer to RFC 3621). Value for Controllable can be true or false. Value of Used can be signal (signal pairs only are in use) or spare (spare pairs only are in use). |
PoE Power Class | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Indicates the power class supplied by the port. Value can range from 1 to 5. |
PoE Power Priority | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Indicates the power priority configured on the port. Value can be low, high, critical, or unknown. |
PoE PD Requested Power (dW) | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Indicates amount of power local PSE device has mirrored back to remote PD, in deciwatts. If the local device is a PD, indicates amount of power requested to remote PSE, in deciwatts. |
PoE PSE Allocated Power (dW) | IEEE 802.3 Extensions Power via MDI TLV. Displayed only when a port has PoE capabilities. Indicates the maximum amount of power local PSE device has allocated for remote PD, in deciwatts. If the local device is a PD, indicates amount of power mirrored back to remote PSE, in deciwatts. |