Use this command to display link flap detection state and configuration information.
globalstate | Displays the global enable state of link flap detection. |
portstate | Displays the port enable state of link flap detection. |
portsupported | Displays ports which can support the link flap detection function. |
actsupported | Displays link flap detection actions supported by system hardware. |
maximum | Displays the maximum allowed linkdowns per 10 seconds supported by system hardware. |
downports | Displays ports disabled by link flap detection due to a violation. |
action | Displays linkflap actions taken on violating port(s). |
operstatus | Displays whether linkflap has deactivated port(s). |
threshold | Displays the number of allowed link down transitions before action is taken. |
interval | Displays the time period for counting link down transitions. |
downtime | Displays how long violating port(s) are deactivated. |
currentcount | Displays how many linkdown transitions are in the current interval. |
totalcount | Displays how many linkdown transitions have occurred since the last reset. |
timelapsed | Displays the time period since the last link down event or reset. |
violations | Displays the number of link flap violations since the last reset. |
parameters | Displays the current value of settable link flap detection parameters. |
metrics | Displays linkflap detection metrics. |
port-string | (Optional) Displays information for specific port(s). |
All command modes.
This example shows how to display the global status of the link trap detection function:
System(rw)->show linkflap globalstate Linkflap feature globally disabled
This example shows how to display ports disabled by link flap detection due to a violation:
System(rw)->show linkflap downports Ports currently held DOWN for Linkflap violations: None.
This example shows how to display the link flap parameters table:
System(rw)->show linkflap parameters Linkflap Port Settable Parameter Table (X means error occurred) Port LF Status Actions Threshold Interval Downtime -------- --------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ge.1.1 disabled ....... 10 5 300 ge.1.2 enabled D..S..T 3 5 300 ge.1.3 disabled ...S..T 10 5 300
show linkflap parameters Output Details provides an explanation of the show linkflap parameters command output.
show linkflap parameters Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
Port | Port designation. For a detailed description of possible port-string values, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide. |
LF Status | Link flap enabled state. |
Actions | Actions to be taken if the port violates allowed link flap behavior. D = disabled, S = Syslog entry will be generated, T= SNMP trap will be generated. |
Threshold | Number of link down transitions necessary to trigger the link flap action. |
Interval | Time interval (in seconds) for accumulating link down transitions. |
Downtime | Interval (in seconds) port(s) will be held down after a link flap violation. |
This example shows how to display the link flap metrics table:
System(rw)->show linkflap metrics Port LinkStatus CurrentCount TotalCount TimeElapsed Violations -------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ge.1.1 operational 0 0 241437 0 ge.1.2 disabled 4 15 147 5 ge.1.3 operational 3 3 241402 0
show linkflap metrics Output Details provides an explanation of the show linkflap metrics command output.
show linkflap metrics Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
Port | Port designation. For a detailed description of possible port-string values, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide. |
LinkStatus | Link status according to the link flap function. |
CurrentCount | Link down count accruing toward the link flap threshold. |
TotalCount | Number of link downs since system start, |
TimeElapsed | Time (in seconds) since the last link down event. |
Violations | Number of link flap violations on listed ports since system start. |