Use this command to create a permit IPv6 access list rule entry.
protocol-num | Specifies an IP protocol for which to permit access. Valid values are protocol numbers from 0 - 255. |
ipv6 | Specifies any IPv6 protocol (0 - 255) |
esp | Specifies the Encapsulation Security Payload protocol |
gre | Specifies the Generic Router Encapsulation protocol |
tcp | Specifies the Transmission Control Protocol |
udp | Specifies the User Datagram Protocol |
icmpv6 | Specifies the IPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol |
source-address/length | Specifies the source network address and length from which the packet will be sent. |
dest-address/length | Specifies the destination network address and length (extended IPv6 access list only). |
any | Specifies that any source or destination (extended IPv6 access list only) address applies to this rule entry. |
host ip-address | Specifies a specific host address that will be applied to this rule entry. |
icmpv6-type [icmpv6-code] | (Optional) Specifies an ICMPv6 message type, optionally followed by an ICMPv6 message code. Valid values for both ICMPv6 message type and message codes are 0 - 255. See usage section for more information. |
msg icmpv6-msg | (Optional) Specifies a single ICMPv6 message type by entering a keyword. Supported message type keywords are provided in ICMP Message Types. |
eq | neq | gt | lt {source-port | dest-port} | (Optional) Specifies that a source or destination port is permitted. The meaning of the keywords are:
range start-port end-port | (Optional) Specifies a range of source or destination ports permitted. |
established | (Optional) Specifies that only established TCP connections are permitted. A match is made if ACK or RST bits are set. |
dscp code | (Optional) Specifies a DiffServe Code Point (DSCP) value to match against this packet‘s DSCP code. Valid values are 0 - 63, or one of the following keywords:
traffic-class value | (Optional) Specifies a Type of Service (ToS) value. Valid values are 0 - 255. |
flow-label value | (Optional) Specifies a value that matches the flow label field value of the IPv6 packet header. Valid values are 0 to 1048575. |
log | log-verbose | Enables syslog or verbose syslog messaging for an access list rule hit. |
routing | (Optional) Specifies that the routing extension header within each IPv6 packet header should be matched against the source-routed packet. |
routing-type type | (Optional) Specifies the routing header type value that will be matched against the packet‘s routing extension header. Valid values are 0 - 255. |
mobility | (Optional) Specifies that the IPv6 packet will be matched against the mobility extension header within each IPv6 packet header. |
mobility-type type | (Optional) Specifies the mobility header type to match against the mobility-type extension header within each IPv6 packet header. Valid values are 0 - 255. |
If any optional parameter is not entered, no matching against that parameter is performed.
Standard or extended IPv6 access list configuration.
Entering any IPv6 protocol number will configure the permit entry for the specified protocol, but will limit configurable parameters to the list in the protocol-num syntax. Specifying the tcp, udp, or icmpv6 keywords will provide the extended parameter set listed in the syntax for these keywords.
Access list logging is throttled to 1 log message per second. If there are multiple access list rules with logging enabled (log or log-verbose), and more then one frame is transmitted per second that can hit those rules, only the first frame will generate a message. Logging is sampling and does not report every time that a rule with logging enabled is hit.
If you did not turn on logging when creating a permit rule, you can turn on logging within the access list for a specific rule or all rules using the log command. See log for command details.
When using the icmpv6-type [icmpv6-code] parameter syntax you must enter a numeric value. See the ICMPv6 parameters assignments page on the site for a complete listing of ICMPv6 message type and code numeric values, as well as the associated RFC. When using the msg icmpv6-msg parameter syntax, you must enter a single supported keyword to specify an ICMPv6 message type. Supported ICMPv6 message type keywords are listed in ICMP Message Types. Supported ICMPv6 message type keywords also display when entering a ? after the msg parameter.
ICMP Message Types contains supported ICMP message types with message codes and descriptions.
ICMP Message Types
Message Type Keyword | Message Code and Description |
address-unreachable | (001,003) Address is unreachable, unspecified reason |
admin-prohibited | (001,001) Administratively prohibited |
bad-header-field | (004,000) Erroneous header field encountered |
bad-ipv6-option | (004,002) Unrecognized IPv6 option encountered |
bad-next-header-type | (004,001) Unrecognized Next Header type encountered |
beyond-scope | (001,002) Beyond scope of source address |
dest-unreachable | (001,000) No route to destination |
echo-reply | (129,000) Echo reply |
echo-request | (128,000) Echo request |
home-agent-disc-req | (144,000) Home agent address discovery request |
home-agent-disc-resp | (145,000) Home agent address discovery reply |
inverse-nd-na | (142,000) Inverse neighbor-discovery advertisement |
inverse-nd-ns | (141,000) Inverse neighbor-discovery solicitation |
mld-done | (132,000) Multicast listener done |
mld-report | (131,000) Multicast listener report |
mld-query | (130,000) Multicast listener query |
mobile-prefix-advert | (147,000) Mobile prefix advertisement |
mobile-prefix-solicit | (146,000) Mobile prefix solicitation |
nd-na | (135,000) Neighbor advertisement |
nd-ns | (136,000) Neighbor solicitation |
node-info-query-addrv4 | (139,002) ICMP node information query for IPv4 address |
node-info-query-addrv6 | (139,000) ICMP node information query for IPv6 address |
node-info-query-name | (139,001) ICMP node information query for name |
node-info-resp-refused | (140,001) ICMP node information response refused |
node-info-resp-success | (140,000) ICMP node information response succeeded |
node-info-resp-unknown | (140,002) ICMP node information response Qtype unknown |
packet-too-big | (002,000) Packet is too big |
port-unreachable | (001,004) Specified port is not reachable |
reassembly-timeout | (003,001) Fragment reassembly time exceeded |
redirect-message | (137,000) Redirect Message |
reject-route | (001,006) Route to destination rejected |
router-advertisement | (134,000) Router advertisement |
router-renumber-cmd | (138,000) Router renumbering command |
router-renumber-result | (138,001) Router renumbering result |
router-renumber-reset | (138,255) Router renumbering sequence number reset |
router-solicitation | (133,000) Router solicitation |
src-addr-policy-fail | (001,005) Source addr failed ingress/egress policy |
ttl-exceeded | (003,000) Time-to-live exceeded |
This example enters configuration mode for standard IPv6 access list acl2 and configures a permit entry for source address 2001:1234:50:0:21f:45ff:fe3d:21be/64:
System(rw-config)->ipv6 access-list standard acl2 System(rw-cfg-ipv6-std-acl)->permit 2001:1234:50:0:21f:45ff:fe3d:21be/64 System(rw-cfg-ipv6-std-acl)->
This example enters configuration mode for extended IPv6 access list acl120 and configures a permit entry for the IP protocol with a source address 2001:1234:50:0:21f:45ff:fe3d:21aa/64 and a destination address of any:
System(rw-config)->ipv6 access-list extended acl120 System(rw-cfg-ipv6-ext-acl)->permit ipv6 2001:1234:50:0:21f:45ff:fe3d:21aa/64 any System(rw-cfg-ipv6-ext-acl)->
This example enters configuration mode for extended IPv6 access list acl130 and configures a permit entry for the ICMP protocol with a source network address of 2001:1234:0:0:21f::50/64 and a destination address of 2001:2345:50:0:21f:45ff:fe3d:21ba/64 and a router discovery advertisement ICMP message type:
System(rw-config)->ipv6 access-list extended acl130 System(rw-cfg-ipv6-ext-acl)->permit icmpv6 2001:1234:0:0:21f::50/64 2001:2345:50:0:21f:45ff:fe3d:21ba/64 msg router-advertisement System(rw-cfg-ipv6-ext-acl)->