clear cos port-config irl

Use this command to clear a non-default Class of Service inbound rate limiting port group configuration.


clear cos port-config irl {all | group-type-index} {[entry] | [name] | [ports]}


all | group-type-index Clears all inbound rate limiting non-default configurations, or those for a specific user-defined port group index. Valid port group-type index entries are in the form of group.type. Group can be 0 - 11, with 0 designating the default group, and 1 - 11 reserved for user-defined groups. Port type can be 0 - 1 for the S- and K-Series and 0 for the 7100-Series.
entry | name | ports Deletes a specific entry or name, or clears the ports assigned to this inbound rate limiting configuration.




All command modes.


This example shows how to delete the CoS inbound rate limiting port group entry 1.1:

System(rw)->clear cos port-config irl 1.1 entry