show ipv6 nat pools

Use this command to display IPv6 NAT pool information.


show ipv6 nat pools [name] [detail]


name Displays pool information for the specified pool.
detail Displays detailed pool information.


If the pool name is not specified, all pools are displayed. If detail is not specified, a standard level of information is displayed.


All command modes.


This example displays the NAT pools for this router:

System(rw-config)->show ipv6 nat pools
pool                            |conns|hits
ipv6-pool                       |2    |51
 First: 2300::
 Last:  2300::9:0
v6tcp_pool                      |0    |0
 First: aaaa:bbbb:aaaa:bbbb::
 Last: aaaa:bbbb:aaaa:bbbb::9:0

This example display a detailed level of information for NAT pools for this router:

System(rw-config)->show ipv6 nat pools detail
Pool: v6tcp_pool
   First IP Address: aaaa:bbbb:aaaa:bbbb::
   Last  IP Address: aaaa:bbbb:aaaa:bbbb::9:0
   Next  IP Address: aaaa:bbbb:aaaa:bbbb::9:0
   Total Addr Count:                  10 Total Addr Used:                 0
   Total Addr Allocs:                  0 Out of Addrs:                    0
   Total Port Allocs:                  0 Out of Ports:                    0
   Current Conns:                      0 Hits:                            0
   Prefix-Len:                       112 List Rules:                      0
   LSNAT VServers:                     0
   TWCB Webcaches:                     0