bgp orf comm-filter

This command specifies whether the Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) capability for community filtering is to be sent to the BGP peer, received from the BGP peer, or both.


bgp orf {ipv4 | ipv6} {unicast | multicast} comm-filter {send | receive | both}
no bgp orf {ipv4 | ipv6} {unicast | multicast} comm-filter {send | receive | both}


ipv4 | ipv6 unicast Specifies the ORF configuration applies to IPv4 unicast or IPv6 addresses.
send Specifies that the ORF capability for community filtering is sent to the BGP peer.
receive Specifies that the ORF capability for community filtering is received from the BGP peer.
both Specifies that the ORF capability for community filtering is both sent to and received from the BGP peer.




BGP Router Configuration.


This command is used to reduce the number of BGP community filtering advertisements the BGP speaker sends or receives from a peer router.

Most configurations will configure BGP to advertise both send and receive ORF community filtering capabilities. This feature can be configured in a single direction between two routers with one router configured to send and the other router configured to receive the ORF community filtering capability.

The bgp orf comm-filter command sets whether the ORF capability for community filtering will be sent to a BGP peer, received from a BGP peer, or both.

The no bgp orf commfilter command removes the configured ORF capability.


This example specifies that BGP will send the ORF capability for community filtering for IPv4 unicast to the peer:

System(su-config)->router bgp 65151
System(su-config-bgp)->bgp router-id
System(su-config-bgp)->bgp orf ipv4 unicast comm-filter send