This command creates an aggregate by combining the characteristics of multiple routes so that a single route is advertised.
prefix/length | Specifies the prefix and length of the aggregate-address. |
summary | (Optional) Specifies that BGP will suppress the advertisement of specified routes to all neighbors. |
as-set | (Optional) Specifies that an aggregate entry AS path attribute contains an AS-SET which includes all the AS numbers contained in the contributor routes. |
summary-and-as-set | (Optional) Specifies that both the summary and as-set options are enabled for this aggregate. |
suppress-map route-map | (Optional) Specifies that match clauses for the specified route-map selectively suppress contributor routes from being advertised. |
advertise-map route-map | (Optional) Specifies that match clauses for the specified route-map selectively advertise contributor routes. |
attribute-map route-map | (Optional) Specifies that set clauses for the specified route-map set the attributes in the aggregated routes. |
no-reject | (Optional) Specifies that no route in this aggregation will be rejected. |
BGP Router Configuration.
Route aggregation provides for the aggregating of one or more specific routes into a single aggregate route. Aggregate routes are only created if a more specific route of the aggregate route exists in the BGP routing table.
The summary option creates and advertises the aggregate route while at the same time suppressing the advertisement of all the more specific routes for this aggregate.
The as-set option retains the advertisement of the AS-Path information for the specific routes of the aggregate. The default behavior for an aggregate route is to suppress the AS-Path information for the specific routes of the aggregate. It may be desirable to retain AS-Path information for routes in the aggregate that belong to an AS outside of the AS in which the aggregate is created.
The summary-and-as-set option enables both the summary and as-set options using a single command option.
The suppress-map option creates and advertises an aggregate while at the same time suppressing only those specific routes that match clauses in the specified route-map. Prefixes contained in the aggregate route that are not specifically matched in the route-map are not suppressed. Do not use the suppress-map option in conjunction with the summary option.
The advertise-map option, when used in conjunction with the as-set option, creates and advertises an aggregate, while at the same time allows for specifying in a route-map which AS path information is retained in the aggregate. Do not use the advertise-map option in conjunction with the summary option.
The attribute-map option, creates and advertises an aggregate, while at the same time allows for the modifying of aggregate route attributes specified in the route-map.
Some routes that are members of an aggregation may be rejected to avoid potential loops. Use the no-reject option to no longer reject any routes in the aggregation.
The no aggregate-address command removes the specified aggregate.
The following example creates and advertises aggregate route and suppresses the advertisement of all the more specific routes for this aggregate:
System(su-config)->router bgp 65151 System(su-config-bgp)->aggregate-address summary System(su-config-bgp)->
The following example sets the MED attribute to 50 for routes in aggregate route using route-map attrmap1:
System(su-config)->route-map bgp attrmap1 permit 10 System(su-config-route-map-bgp)->set med 50 System(su-config-route-map-bgp)->exit System(su-config)->show route-map attrmap1 route-map bgp attrmap1 permit 10 set med 50 System(su-config)->router bgp 65151 System(su-config-bgp)->aggregate-address attribute-map attrmap1 System(su-config-bgp)->
The following example retains AS-path information for routes using route-map advmap1 in aggregate route
System(su-config)->ip prefix-list advlist1 permit seq 1 System(su-config)->route-map bgp advmap1 System(su-config-route-map-bgp)->match prefix-list advlist1 System(su-config-route-map-bgp)->exit System(su-config)->router bgp 65151 System(su-config-bgp)->aggregate-address as-set advertise-map advmap1 System(su-config-bgp)->