Use this command to display the MEP configuration information.
md | Specifies an MD context. |
ma | Specifies an MA context. |
string-name name | Specifies the MD or MA string name of the MEP to display. Valid values are up to 43 printable characters. |
dns-like-name dns-name | Specifies the MD DNS like maintenance domain string name of the MEP to display. Valid values are up to 43 printable characters. |
mac-int-name mac-name | Specifies the MD MAC address formatted string name of the MEP to display. A valid value is a MAC address formatted string plus an integer index ID value separated by a period (.) in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.ID or xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.ID, where x is a hex value and the ID range is 0 - 65535. |
no-name | Specifies the NULL string named MD of the MEP to display. |
index index | Specifies the MD index value or the MA index of the MEP to display. |
vid-name vlan | Specifies the MA VLAN ID name of the MEP to display. |
id-name id | Specifies the MA ID name of the MEP to display. |
index index | Specifies the MA index value of the MEP to display. |
mep-id mep-id | (Optional) Specifies a MEP to display. |
-verbose | (Optional) A detailed level of MEP configuration information will display. |
All command modes.
This example displays the MEP configuration information for the MA index 1 associated with the myMD1 MD:
System(rw)->show cfm md string-name myMD1 ma index 1 mep MD Name: myMD1 MA Name: myMA1 MEP Active MEP MEP CCI MAC MEP ID Selector Port Dir Enable Addr Status ---- -------------- ---------- ---- ------ ----------------- ------------- 59 None tg.1.1 Down True 00-1f-45-a0-9d-ab Active System(rw)->
This example displays the verbose level MEP configuration information for the MA index 1 associated with the myMD1 MD:
System(rw)->show cfm md string-name myMD1 ma index 1 mep -verbose MD Name: myMD1 MA Name: myMA1 MEP ID: 59 Active Selector : None Primary VID : 0 IfIndex : 13001 Port : tg.1.1 MAC Address : 00-1f-45-a0-9d-ab Direction : Down Active : True CCI Enabled : True CCM/LTM Priority : 6 FNG State : Defect Reported HighestPriDefect : DefXconCCM FNG Alarm Time : 500 FNG Reset Time : 500 Low Pr Def : RemErrXcon Low Pr Def Syslog: RemErrXcon Row Status : Active System(rw)->
show cfm md ma mep Output Display provides an explanation of the command output.
show cfm md ma mep Output Display
Output... | What it displays... |
MD Name | The name of the MD to which the MEP belongs. |
MA Name | The name of the MA to which the MEP belongs. |
MEP ID | The MEP. |
Active Selector | Protected service value for this MEP. Defaults to MA component configuration if no VLAN is configured for this end-point. |
Primary VID | The VLAN the MEP uses as a tagging option for its transmitted frames. |
MEP Port | The bridge port the MEP is attached to. |
MEP Dir or Direction | Specifies the direction of the MEP. Down: sends PDU messages away from the MAC relay entity. Up: sends PDU messages towards the MAC relay entity. |
CCI Enable | Specifies whether the MEP generates continuity check messages. True: continuity check messages are generated. False: continuity check messages are not generated. |
CCM/LTM Priority | The continuity check message and linktrace message priority for the end-point. |
MAC Addr | The MEP MAC address. |
MEP Status or Active | The MEP configuration status: Active (enabled) or Inactive (not enabled). |
FNG State | Defect reported status. Either a defect is currently being reported or the status is reset. |
HighestPriDefect | Displays the highest priority defect reported. See MEP Defect Definitions for descriptions of reported defects. |
FNG Alarm Time | Displays the minimum time a defect must be present before an alarm is generated. |
FNG Reset Time | Displays the time a MEP defect must be absent before an alarm is reset. |
Low Pr Def | The lowest priority defect for trap reporting. See alarm-defect-trap. |
Low Pr Def Syslog | The lowest priority defect for Syslog reporting. See alarm-defect-syslog. |
Row Status | Displays the administrative status for this MEP state machine. |