neighbor advertise-map

This command provides for conditional advertisement of routes for this neighbor.


neighbor {ip-address | groupID} advertise-map adv-map non-exist-map non-exit-map
no neighbor {ip-address | groupID} advertise-map adv-map non-exist-map non-exit-map


ip-address Specifies a BGP peer as a valid IPv4 address in dotted-quad format or as a valid IPv6 address in colon-separated format.
groupID Specifies a BGP peer group name as a character string. If an invalid IP address is specified (for example,, it will be read as a group name.
adv-map Specifies the BGP route-map containing the prefix to be added to the RIB for this neighbor, only if there is no route in the local RIB that matches a route in the non-exist-map.
non-exist-map Specifies the BGP route-map containing the prefix that if not found in the local RIB will cause the prefix in the advertise map to be advertised.




BGP Router Configuration.


The neighbor advertise-map command provides for conditional advertisement of routes for this neighbor using advertise-map and non-exist-map route-maps. Configure prefix-list match clauses in the non-exist-map route-map with prefixes that should exist and be advertised to the peer under normal operational conditions. Should any prefix in the non-exist-map route-map fail (no longer exist), then the router will start advertising the prefixes in the advertise-map route-map, which are alternate routes to the preferred routes in the non-exist-map route-map.

Prefix-lists are assigned to route-maps associated with this command using route-map bgp.

The no neighbor advertise-map command deletes the conditional advertisement configuration for the specified neighbor.


The following example:

  • Configures an advertise-map prefix-list named adv-list1 and assigns it to BGP route-map adv-map1, specifying prefix as the prefix to be advertised if the prefix in the non-exist-map route-map is not available
  • Configures a non-exist-map prefix-list named non-exist-list1 and assigns it to BGP route-map non-exist-map1, specifying prefix as the advertised prefix, unless it is not available (does not exist)
  • Configures a BGP advertise-map for neighbor that assigns adv-map1 as the advertise map route-map and non-exist-map1 as the non-exist-map route-map
    System(su-config)->ip prefix-list adv-list1 permit seq 1
    System(su-config)->route-map bgp adv-map1
    System(su-config-route-map-bgp)->match adv-list1 adv-map1
    System(su-config)->ip prefix-list non-exist-list1 permit seq 1
    System(su-config)->route-map bgp non-exist-map1
    System(su-config-route-map-bgp)->match non-exist-list1 non-exist-map1
    System(su-config)->router bgp 65151
    System(su-config-bgp)->neighbor advertise-map adv-map1 non-exist-map non-exist-map1