show snmp view

Use this command to display the MIB configuration for SNMPv3 view-based access (VACM).


show snmp view [viewname] [subtree oid-or-mibobject] [volatile | nonvolatile | read-only]


viewname (Optional) Displays information for a specific MIB view.
subtree oid-or-mibobject (Optional) Displays information for a specific MIB subtree when viewname is specified.
volatile | nonvolatile | read-only (Optional) Displays entries for a specific storage type.


If no parameters are specified, all SNMP MIB view configuration information will be displayed.


All command modes.


This example shows how to display SNMP MIB view configuration information:

System(rw)->show snmp view
View Name       = All
Subtree OID     = 1
Subtree mask    =
View Type       = included
Storage type    = nonVolatile
Row status      = active
View Name       = All
Subtree OID     = 0.0
Subtree mask    =
View Type       = included
Storage type    = nonVolatile
Row status      = active

show snmp view Output Details provides an explanation of the command output. For details on using the set snmp view command to assign variables, refer to set snmp view.

Click to expand in new window

show snmp view Output Details

Output... What it displays...
View Name Name assigned to a MIB view.
Subtree OID Name identifying a MIB subtree.
Subtree mask Bitmask applied to a MIB subtree.
View Type Whether or not subtree use must be included or excluded for this view.
Storage type Whether storage is in nonVolatile or Volatile memory.
Row status Status of this entry: active, notInService, or notReady.