Use this command to display node alias entries based on MAC address and protocol.
mac-address | Specifies a MAC address for which to display node alias entries. This can be a full or partial address. |
protocol | (Optional) Displays node alias entries for one of the protocols listed in Supported Node Alias Entry Protocols. |
port-string | (Optional) Displays node alias properties for specific port(s). |
All command modes.
Node alias entries can be displayed based upon the protocols listed in Supported Node Alias Entry Protocols.
Supported Node Alias Entry Protocols
Protocol Acronym | Description |
ip | Internet Protocol version 4 |
apl | Appletalk |
mac | Media Access Control |
hsrp | Hot Standby Routing Protocol |
dhcps | Dynamic Host Control Protocol Server |
dhcpc | Dynamic Host Control Protocol Client |
bootps | Boot Protocol Server |
bootpc | Boot Protocol Client |
ospf | Open Shortest Path First |
vrrp | Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol |
ipx | Internet Packet Exchange |
xrip | IPX Routing Information Protocol |
xsap | IPX Service Access Point |
ipx20 | IPX Protocol 20 packet |
rtmp | Routing Table Maintenance Protocol |
netBios | NetBIOS (raw) |
nbt | NetBIOS (over TCP/IP) |
bgp | Border Gateway Protocol |
rip | Routing Information Protocol |
igrp | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
dec | Digital Equipment Corporation |
bpdu | Bridge Protocol Data Unit |
udp | User Datagram Protocol |
ipv6 | Internet Protocol version 6 |
This example shows how to display node alias entries for all traffic on MAC address 00-01-f4-2b-3e-45 (partial output shown here). Refer back to show nodealias Output Details for a description of the command output.
System(rw)->show nodealias mac 00-01-f4-2b-3e-45 Port: ge.1.2 Time: 20 days 20 hrs 50 mins 02 secs -------------------------------------------------------- Alias ID = 89 Active = true Vlan ID = 1 MAC Address = 00-01-f4-2b-3e-45 Protocol = ip Source IP = Port: ge.1.2 Time: 18 days 02 hrs 16 mins 00 secs -------------------------------------------------------- Alias ID = 75 Active = true Vlan ID = 1 MAC Address = 00-01-f4-2b-3e-45 Protocol = ip Source IP =