show access-lists applied

Use this command to display configured IP or IPv6 access lists.


show access-lists applied [host | interfaces [vlan | inbound | outbound | in-and-out]]


host (Optional) Displays access list information for all applied ingress to host services.
interfaces (Optional) Displays access list information for all applied access list interface types or the specified interface type.
vlan (Optional) Displays access list information for VLAN interfaces.
inbound (Optional) Displays access list information for inbound interfaces.
outbound (Optional) Displays access list information for outbound interfaces.
in-and-out (Optional) Displays access list information for both inbound and outbound interfaces.


If an option is not specified, the entire table of applied access lists will be displayed.


All command modes.


Access list names may be up to 64 characters in length, but there is only room to display 32 characters (show applied) or 49 characters (show brief) on a single 80-character line. Names up to and including the maximum length will be displayed in their entirety. Names longer than the maximum display length will be displayed with an asterisk character followed by the last 31 or 48 characters of the name.

** unconfigured ** means that the access list applied to the interface or host has not yet been created. This is allowed, but the applied access list will have no effect on traffic, since the access list doesn't really exist yet.


This example shows how to display applied IP access lists for this system. :

S4 Chassis(rw-config)->show access-lists applied
Interface   IPv6 Access List (last 32 chars) Dir  Type Ents Deny count
----------- -------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- --------------------
vlan.0.50   acl10                            in   std     5 0