Use this command to configure whether the MEP faces, sends PDUs towards, and receives PDUs from the bridge relay (up) or faces, sends PDUs towards, and receives PDUs from the bridge port (down).
up | Specifies the the MEP faces the bridge relay and sends continuity check messages towards and receives continuity check messages from the bridge relay entity. |
down | Specifies the MEP faces the link and sends continuity check messages towards and receives continuity check messages from the bridge port (Default). |
The MEP direction defaults to down.
Maintenance End-Point Configuration mode.
This command configures a maintenance end-point (MEP) with a direction of “up” or “down”. The direction a MEP faces is relative to the link and the bridge relay. A down-MEP sends CFM frames towards and receives CFM frames from the link. An up-MEP sends CFM frames towards the bridge relay and receives CFM frames from the bridge relay. See mep for MEP information.
The “no” form resets the MEP direction to the default value of down.
This example shows how to set the direction for the myMA1 MEP 1000 to up:
System(rw-config)->cfm md string-name myMD1 System(su-config-cfm-md.1)->ma string-name myMA1 System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->mep 1000 System(su-config-cfm-mep.1000)->direction up System(su-config-cfm-mep.1000)->