show tunnel logical-switch

Use this command to display information about the VLAN/VNI mapping for logical-switches.


show tunnel logical-switch name logical-switch verbose


name (Optional) Indicates that you are supplying a specific logical switch name.
logical-switch Name of the logical switch.
verbose (Optional) Expands logical switch on its own line, if it was truncated.


If no options are specified, a standard level of information appears for all tunnel interfaces. If a logical switch name is not given, all configured logical switches appear.


All command modes.


Shows the name, VNI, and VLAN mapping for a logical switch. If the logical switch does not exist, an error occurs.


This S-Series example shows how to display information for all logical switches:

System(su)->show tunnel logical-switch
           Logical Switch Name        vni vlan Configurator
------------------------------ ---------- ---- ------------
                       switch1        777   15           cli
                       switch2        888   16           cli
                       switch3        999   17           cli

This S-Series example shows how to display information for logical switch "switch1":

System(su)->show tunnel logical-switch name switch1
           Logical Switch Name        vni vlan Configurator
------------------------------ ---------- ---- ------------
                       switch1        777   15           cli

This S-Series example shows how to display verbose information for logical switch "switch1":

System(su)->show tunnel logical-switch name switch1 verbose
Logical Switch: switch1
VNI: 777  VLAN 15  Configured by cli