show port lacp

Use this command to display link aggregation information for one or more underlying physical ports.


show port lacp port port-string {[status {detail | summary}] | [counters]} [sort {port | lag}]


port port-string Displays LACP information for specific port(s).
status detail | summary Displays LACP status in detailed or summary information.
counters Displays LACP counter information.
sort port | lag (Optional) When summary is specified, sorts display by port designation or LAG ID.




All command modes.


This example shows how to display detailed LACP status information for port ge.1.12:

System(rw)-> show port lacp port ge.2.1 status detail
Global Link Aggregation state : enabled
Port Instance: ge.2.1 Port enable state: Disabled
ActorPort: 513 PartnerAdminPort: 513
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 513
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 32768 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 32768
ActorOperKey: 32768 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----GlA PartnerOperPortPriority: 32768
ActorOperState: -F---GlA PartnerAdminKey: 513
ActorSystemID: 00-1f-45-9a-6c-b7 PartnerOperKey: 513
SelectedAggID: none PartnerAdminState: --DCS-lp
AttachedAggID: none PartnerOperState: --DCS-lp
MuxState: Detached PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: Defaulted PartnerOperSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
portStandbyReason: resource


State definitions, such as ActorAdminState and Partner AdminState, are indicated with letter abbreviations. If the show port lacp command displays one or more of the following letters, it means the state is true for the associated actor or partner ports: 
E = Expired; F = Defaulted; D = Distributing (tx enabled); C = Collecting (rx enabled); 
S = Synchronized (actor and partner agree); G = Aggregation allowed; S/l = Short/Long LACP timeout; A/p = Active/Passive LACP.

For more information about these states, refer to set port lacp (set port lacp) and the IEEE 802.3 2002 specification.

This example shows how to display summarized LACP status information for port ge.1.12:

System(rw)->show port lacp port ge.1.12 status summary
Port Aggr Actor System Partner System 
Pri: System ID: Key: Pri: System ID: Key: ge.1.12 none [(32768,00e0639db587,32768),(32768,000000000000, 1411)]

This example shows how to display LACP counters for port ge.1.12:

System(rw)->show port lacp port ge.1.12 counters
Port Instance: ge.1.12
LACPDUsRx: 0 MarkerPDUsRX: 0
LACPDUsTx: 0 MarkerPDUsTx: 0
IllegalRx: 0 MarkerResponsePDUsRx: 0
UnknownRx: 0 MarkerResponsePDUsTx: 0
ActorSyncTransitionCount: 0 PartnerSyncTransitionCount: 0
ActorChangeCount: 1 PartnerChangeCount: 0
ActorChurnCount: 0 PartnerChurnCount: 0
ActorChurnState: ChurnMonitor PartnerChurnState: ChurnMonitor
MuxState: detached
MuxReason: BEGIN = TRUE