clear policy usage-list (S-, K-Series)

Use this command to clear usage statistics for ports disabled by first rule usage.


clear policy usage-list [all] | [admin-profile] | profile-index {application | ether | icmptype | ipproto | ipdestsocket | ipfrag | ipsource | ipsourcesocket | iptos | ipxclass | ipxdest | ipxsource | ipxdestsocket | ipxsourcesocket | ipxtype | llcDsapSsap | macdest | macsource | port | tci | tcpdestport | tcpsourceport | udpdestport | udpsourceport | vlantag} [data] [mask mask] [port-string port-string] [port-list port-list]


all | admin-profile | profile-index Clears all usage statistics, those associated with an administrative profile rule, or those associated with a specific profile rule. Valid profile-index values are 1 - 1023.
application Clears application rule usage statistics.
ether Clears Ethernet II rule usage statistics.
icmptype Clears ICMP rule usage list statistics.
ipproto Clears IP protocol rule usage statistics.
ipdestsocket Clears IP destination socket rule usage statistics.
ipfrag Clears IP fragmentation rule usage statistics.
ipsource Clears source address rule usage statistics.
ipsourcesocket Clears source socket rule usage statistics.
iptos Clears IP Type of Service rule usage statistics.
ipxclass Clears IPX transmission control rule usage statistics.
ipxdest Clears IPX destination address rule usage statistics.
ipxsource Clears IPX source address rule usage statistics.
ipxdestsocket Clears IPX destination socket rule usage statistics.
ipxsourcesocket Clears IPX source socket rule usage statistics.
ipxtype Clears IPX packet type rule usage statistics.
llcDsapSsap Clears DSAP/SSAP rule usage statistics.
macdest Clears MAC destination address rule usage statistics.
macsource Clears MAC source address rule usage statistics.
port Clears Port rule usage statistics.
tci Clears Tag Control Information rule usage statistics.
tcpdestport Clears TCP destination port rule usage statistics.
tcpsourceport Clears TCP source port rule usage statistics.
udpdestport Clears UDP destination port rule usage statistics.
udpsourceport Clears UDP source port rule usage statistics.
vlantag Clears VLAN tag rule usage statistics.
data (Optional) Specifies an associated data value entry. Refer to Valid Values for Policy Classification Rules for valid values for each classification type.
mask mask (Optional) Specifies an associated data mask. Refer to Valid Values for Policy Classification Rules for valid values for each classification type and data value.
port-string port-string (Optional) Specifies rule usage port scope.
port-list port-string (Optional) Specifies disabled port(s) to remove from usage list.


  • When applicable, data, mask and port-string must be specified for individual rules to be cleared.
  • If not specified, all ports will be removed from usage lists.


All command modes.


To become active again, disabled ports must also be removed from the policy disabled-ports list as described in clear policy disabled-ports (S-, K-Series).


This example shows how to clear rule usage statistics pertaining to all ports and all classification rules:

System(rw)->clear policy usage-list all