Use this command to specify the VLAN the maintenance association or MEP is associated with.
vlan-id | Specifies the VLAN associated with this MA or MEP context. Valid values are 0 - 4094. Default value is 0. |
If this command is not entered, the VLAN for the MA or end-point defaults to 0 (no VLAN configured).
Maintenance Association Component Configuration mode. Maintenance End-Point (MEP) Configuration mode.
When using CFM to monitor a VLAN, the VLAN must be configured for the MA within the MA component configuration mode.
The MA monitors a single VLAN. If you wish to monitor multiple VLANs in your system, create an MA for each VLAN to be monitored.
This example sets VLAN 1000 as the configured VLAN for the myMA1 component configuration:
System(rw-config)->cfm md string-name myMD1 System(su-config-cfm-md.1)->ma string-name myMA1 System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->ma-comp System(su-config-cfm-macomp)->vid 1000 System(su-config-cfm-macomp)->
This example sets VLAN 1000 as the configured VLAN for the myMA1 MEP 1000:
System(rw-config)->cfm md string-name myMD1 System(su-config-cfm-md.1)->ma string-name myMA1 System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->mep 1000 System(su-config-cfm-mep.1000)->vid 1000