Use this command to display MAC authentication information for one or more ports.
port-string | (Optional) Displays MAC authentication information for specific port(s). For a detailed description of possible port-string values, refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series Configuration Guide. |
If port-string is not specified, MAC authentication information will be displayed for all ports.
All command modes.
This example shows how to display MAC authentication information:
System(rw)->show macauthentication MAC authentication: - enabled MAC user password: - MCKINLEY Port username significant bits - 48 Port Port Quiet Reauth Reauth MultiAuth MAC Auth Current State Period Period Enabled Limit Limit Sessions -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ge.5.1 disabled 0 0 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.2 disabled 0 0 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.3 disabled 0 11 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.4 disabled 0 11 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.5 enabled 0 3600 disabled 2 2048 2 ge.5.6 disabled 0 3600 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.7 disabled 0 3600 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.8 disabled 0 3600 disabled 8 2048 0 ge.5.9 disabled 0 3600 disabled 8 2048 0
show macauthentication Output Details provides an explanation of the command output.
show macauthentication Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
MAC authentication | Whether MAC authentication is globally enabled or disabled. Set using the set macauthentication command as described in set macauthentication. |
MAC user password | User password associated with MAC authentication on the device. Set using the set macauthentication password command as described in set macauthentication password. |
Port username significant bits | Number of significant bits in the MAC addresses to be used starting with the left-most bit of the vendor portion of the MAC address. The significant portion of the MAC address is sent as a user-name credential when the primary attempt to authenticate the full MAC address fails. Any other failure to authenticate the full address, (i.e., authentication server timeout) causes the next attempt to start once again with a full MAC authentication. Default is 48 and cannot be reset. |
Port | Port designation. |
Port State | Whether or not MAC authentication is enabled or disabled on this port. |
Quiet Period | Enables a reauthentication attempt for failed entries at the period specified in seconds. Default value is 0 (never). |
Reauth Period | Reauthentication period for this port. Default value of 30 can be changed using the set macauthentication reauthperiod command described in set macauthentication reauthperiod. |
Reauth enabled | Whether or not reauthentication is enabled or disabled on this port. Set using the set macauthentication reauthentication command described in set macauthentication reauthentication. |
Multiauth limit | Number of concurrent authentications supported on this port. |
MacAuth limit | Maximum theoretical limit for the number of MAC authentications permitted for all ports, if all chassis slots are filled and, in the case of S- and K-Series, licenses are applied. |
Current Sessions | Specifies the number of currently active MacAuthentication sessions for this port. |