Use this command to display information about SNMPv3 users. SNMP users are people registered to access SNMP management.
list | (Optional) Displays a list of registered SNMP user names. |
user | (Optional) Displays information about a specific user. |
remote remote | (Optional) Displays information about users on a specific remote SNMP engine. |
volatile | nonvolatile | read-only | (Optional) Displays user information for a specified storage type. |
All command modes.
This example shows how to display an SNMP user list:
System(rw)->show snmp user list --- SNMP user information --- --- List of registered users: Guest admin1 admin2 netops
This example shows how to display information for the SNMP “guest” user:
System(rw)->show snmp user guest --- SNMP user information --- EngineId: 00:00:00:63:00:00:00:a1:00:00:00:00 Username = Guest Auth protocol = usmNoAuthProtocol Privacy protocol = usmNoPrivProtocol Storage type = nonVolatile Row status = active
show snmp user Output Details shows a detailed explanation of the command output.
show snmp user Output Details
Output... | What it displays... |
EngineId | SNMP engine identifier associated with the user. |
Username | SNMPv1 or v2 community name or SNMPv3 user name. |
Auth protocol | Type of authentication protocol applied to this user. |
Privacy protocol | Whether a privacy protocol is applied when authentication protocol is in use. |
Storage type | Whether entry is stored in volatile, nonvolatile, or read-only memory. |
Row status | Status of this entry: active, notInService, or notReady. |