vrrp fabric-route-mode helper-router

Enables this VRRP router as a Helper router in an RaaS context.


vrrp fabric-route-mode vrid helper-router
no vrrp fabric-route-mode vrid helper-router


vrid Specifies the VRRP instance for this fabric route mode configuration.


Fabric route mode is disabled.


Interface configuration mode.


The Helper router is enabled under VRRP per VRID per VLAN interface on access SPB switches that ingress to customer VLANs in an RaaS context. Helper router route tables confine routes to connected VLAN interfaces where an interface represents a customer VLAN. The Helper router learns the identity of Main routers by the propagation of type 250 TLV through the SPB network by IS-IS. Helper routers redirect unresolved destination networks to the Main routers.

The Main router responds to ARP requests for any virtual IP address and sends VRRP advertisements to ensure the virtual MAC remains in bridge FDBs within the SPB domain. Helper routers install the VRRP virtual MAC address into the local filter database for packet processing by the forwarding plane.

The “no” form of this command disables the Helper router function on this router.


This example enables fabric route mode on the VRRP backup router on VRID 1:

System(rw-config)->interface vlan 20
System(rw)-config-intf-vlan.0.20)->vrrp fabric-route-mode 1 helper-router